Thursday, September 23, 2010

Perfect day 2!!

Yes, a repeat of yesterday. Give me this for the next 6 months and that would be great.

Short time left before our trip and everything is almost done, ready, waiting and counting the days.  Still haven't figured out if I will be able to fit the laptop into the weight restrictions so I may be absent here for a week once we leave.  I haven't given up hope on it yet and probably won't know just before we leave. It's like a part of me now because it is so useful in communicating and blogging I'll be somewhat lost without it.  That's a pretty sad statement to make, "I'm lost without my computer".

I did some more research on LCD vs. Plasma TV's and I'm fairly convinced LCD is the better way to go.  We saw Z's yesterday and it looked good.  He also had a good speaker system set up with the TV, surround sound, and it makes a big difference.  Almost like being in a cinema.  We've made 4 trips to Saturn (No, not the planet).  It's a store like Best Buy with a million TV's to look at.

Tak, powtarzam od wczoraj. Daj mi to przez następne 6 miesięcy, i że byłoby świetnie.

Mało czasu pozostało do naszej podróży i wszystko jest prawie gotowe, gotowe, czeka i liczy dni. Jeszcze nie zorientowali się, jeśli będę w stanie dopasować laptop do ograniczenia masy więc może być nieobecny tu raz na tydzień wyjeżdżamy. I nie dały nadzieję na to jeszcze i pewnie nie będzie wiedział, tuż przed wyjazdem. To tak, jakby część mnie teraz, bo to jest tak przydatne w komunikacji i blogów będę nieco straciła bez niego. To bardzo smutne, aby oświadczenie, jestem zagubiony bez mojego komputera ".

Zrobiłem kilka badań na temat LCD vs Plazma TV i jestem prawie przekonany, LCD jest lepsze do zrobienia. Z widzieliśmy wczoraj i wyglądało to dobrze. Miał też dobre głośniki utworzone z TV, dźwięk, i to robi dużą różnicę. Jest prawie jak w kinie. Mamy dokonane 4 wycieczki do Saturn (Nie, nie planet). Jest to sklep jak Best Buy z miliona TV przyjrzeć.


  1. Anna from Florida8:59 PM

    Dear David,

    Maybe you should look into getting one of those small Netbooks. They are small, do not weigh a ton and fit practically in your pocket, quite bigger than normal, but still pocket. I do not know if they have it in Poland, but in the US Radio Shack sells Magic Jack, which is like a mobile phone connection that you can take with your netbook or laptop to other countries and cost only $ 20 a year.
    Yes, it is hard to be without laptop especially that you psot such a great blog.
    We are all looking forward to your adventures in Spain and hope that you have great trip and lovely time.
    Have a super trip,

  2. Which to get -- LCD or plasma-- depends somewhat on the light in the room where this is used. I'm sure you can find this information somewhere on the web. That is why I waited to buy anything new until I sold my house and moved. I didn't know the size of the room nor what the light condition might be until I had found the new place. Hope this helps.

  3. Kris Murawski10:03 PM

    David, don't worry about your laptop not fitting into weight restrictions. You are not allowed to pack laptop in your suitcase anyway. You must carry laptop with you on board, and it is in addition to the carry-on.
    Enjoy Spain!
