Monday, April 17, 2017

Tired of it.

I made the mistake today of watching the news. After celebrating one of the biggest days in Christian history yesterday, the news of the world's condition was not the thing to hear about. What is wrong with the human race? Why does one religion think it is superior to all others? Why do so many people die, so much suffering caused by one religion trying to impose it's beliefs on the world? The Crusades annihilated mass quantities of people who wouldn't become Catholics and now we have the Jihadists who are determined to wipe out all non-believers in Allah. When will this end? We also have leaders in the world who only care about power, not people. History has taught us nothing and we follow the same destructive path but now with much more horrendous weapons at their disposal. It's the children I feel sorry for the most because they will inherit this if the world even survives. Millions of them are starving while the war machines are constantly being fed.

Dokonałem błędu dzisiaj oglądając wiadomości. Po świętowaniu jednego z największych dni w historii chrześcijaństwa wczoraj wiadomość o sytuacji na świecie nie była rzeczą do usłyszenia. Co jest nie tak z rasą ludzką? Dlaczego jedna religia uważa, że jest lepsza od wszystkich innych? Dlaczego tak wiele osób umiera, tyle cierpienia spowodowane przez jedną religię próbującą narzucić swoje wierzenia na świat? Krucjusze unicestwiali masowe ilości ludzi, którzy nie stali się katolikami, a teraz mamy dżihadystów, którzy są zdecydowani wymazać wszystkich nie wierzących w Allaha. Kiedy to się skończy? Mamy również liderów na świecie, którzy dbają o władzę, a nie dla ludzi. Historia nas niczego nie nauczył i podążamy tą samą destrukcyjną ścieżką, ale teraz dysponujemy znacznie większą straszliwą bronią. To dzieciaki najbardziej mi przykro, ponieważ dziedziczą to, jeśli nawet świat przeżyje. Miliony z nich głodują, podczas gdy maszyny wojenne są stale zasilane.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. These are interesting times indeed. I deliberately avoided the news yesterday because I didn't want to get upset on Easter Sunday. The social issues alone in the US are horrible let alone pursuing wars in Syria, Afghanistan, N. Korea, Iran, Russia and the list goes on and on. I think we have a beef with every single country on the planet. I'm always amazed that our government has to cut countless social programs because of deficit yet if someone wants to go to war....ding ding ding, we have the money. It makes no sense.

    I'm a bit of a political junkie and start my day reading various blogs on those issues. Not any more. I get angry after reading them and now chose to not start my day in that mood. My husband calls me "Angry Bird". LOL.

    I do have concerns about the direction of this country with respect to social issues however. Usually the environment is my number one issue. Since the birth of my granddaughter (she's four), social issues have become the most important. We have schools systems that are integrating LGBTQ studies at the elementary school level. Children in that age group are too young to understand why Suzy has a penis and Johnny has a vagina. This curriculum will destroy the biological identity of our children. I'm also concerned about the transgender use of bathrooms enabling the use of the bathroom of your sexual identity rather than with your biological sexual identity at birth. This could enable men dressed like women to use the women's bathroom. I fear my granddaughter will be on a school field-trip one day and use the bathroom when in walks a dude dressed like a woman. This can't happen.

    One of my brother's works as a high school bus driver. I've heard stories from him about girls making-out with girls and boys making-out with boys in the hallways. This is in Schaumburg Illinois. This is a good school system. Schools don't crack down on things because of fear of lawsuits. I worked in a school system here in Florida before I retired so I can also speak of this with some personal knowledge. This certainly isn't the way we grew up.

    Religious identity is at an all time boiling point. I'll save that discussion for another time.

    Something is afoot. I can't quite put my finger on it. I feel things will get worse before they get better but I'm hopeful for the future.

    Side note:
    I made some golumpki for the first time and it turned out pretty tasty. My husband loved it which is good. Your dinner looked delicious.


    Donna Bell
