Monday, October 23, 2017

4928 Reading.

The other day I posted something about Kosciusko on FB and my sister's husband, Jim, remarked that as a kid he played in a park with that name. It turned out it was the same park where my cousin Ron and I used to play.

Ron lived in East Chicago and I in Hammond but a bus ride there was only about a 1/2 hour long. I spent a lot of summers there as a teenager. He lived with his parents at 4928 Reading street. Their phone number was EX-72766   60 some years later and I still  remember the number. Amazing! It's the only one I remember.

The house was rectangular in shape with a front porch. Step up a few stairs and go through the front door into a small entranceway, take 5 steps to the right and you were in the living room with a picture window facing the street. Turn left and the first door on the left was my aunt and uncle's bedroom. Go straight ahead through an archway and you were in the dining room with a buffet on the left and dining table and chairs on the right. Half way up on the left was Ron's bedroom and just before the kitchen on the left was the bathroom. Walk past that through another doorway and your were in the small kitchen with a window overlooking the backyard. To the right was the door leading to the small side porch with stairs leading down to the yard on the side of the house. That was where we use to play catch with a baseball or football. The park was about 10 blocks away and easy to  reach on a bicycle. It was predominantly a Polish neighborhood, hence the park dedicated to Tadeusz Kosciusko. Because it had a swimming pool, we spent many a hot summer day there. Now Ron lives in South Dakota and I in Poland but we keep in touch via email. He is 1 of 6 first cousins, still living,  in the U.S. I keep in touch with 2 fairly often. 2 not so often and 2 almost never.

W innym dniu opublikowałem coś o Kosciusko na FB i mąż mojej siostry, Jim, zauważył, że jako dzieciak grał w parku o tym nazwisku. Okazało się, że to był ten sam park, gdzie był mój kuzyn Ron i ja.
Ron mieszkał we wschodnim Chicago i ja w Hammond, ale jazda autobusem trwała tylko pół godziny. Spędziłem tam dużo latek jako nastolatek. Mieszkał z rodzicami w 4928 ulicy Reading. Ich numer telefonu był kilka lat później EX-72766.  60 i nadal pamiętam numer. Niesamowity! To jedyna, którą pamiętam.
Dom miał prostokątny kształt z przednią werandą. Wstąp kilka schodów i wejdź przez drzwi wejściowe do niewielkiego wejścia, weź 5 kroków w prawo i wejdziesz do pokoju dziennego z oknem z widokiem na ulicę. Skręć w lewo, a pierwsze drzwi po lewej stronie to sypialnia mojego cioci i wuja. Idź prosto przed bramą, a ty byłeś w jadalni z bufetem po lewej stronie i stołem jadalnym i krzesłami po prawej stronie. Po lewej stronie była sypialnia Rona, tuż przed kuchnią po lewej stronie znajdowała się łazienka. Przeszedł obok, przez inne drzwi i byłeś w małej kuchni z oknem z widokiem na podwórko. Po prawej stronie znajdowały się drzwi prowadzące do małej bocznej ganku z schodami prowadzącymi na dziedziniec z boku domu. Tam właśnie gramy grać w baseball lub piłkę nożną. Park był oddalony o około 10 przecznic od hotelu i łatwo dojechać na rowerze. Było to przede wszystkim polskie sąsiedztwo, stąd park dedykowany Tadeuszowi Kościuszkowi. Ponieważ miał basen, spędziliśmy tam gorący letni dzień. Teraz Ron mieszka w South Dakota i ja w Polsce, ale pozostajemy w kontakcie za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej. Jest on jednym z sześciu pierwszych kuzynów, wciąż żyjących, w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Często utrzymuję 2 kontakty. 2 nie tak często i prawie nigdy.


  1. Something grand to be said about the fun first cousins often have...or had,
    growing up (and
    you capture it)! I was fortunate to live near a favorite first cousin too;
    we shared many a splendid day playing with Sears catalog cut-outs and later with our
    Barbie dolls; playing volleyball, softball or tennis in the neighborhood parks, even
    went to the airport in Chicago when the Beatles arrived (after they were swept
    away in a limo, and our aunt was impatiently waiting to drive us back home; we reluctantly followed, but not before we waited long enough for the plane to be
    cleaned, so we could dig through the trash (I don't recall saving any "souvenir"

    So, funny that I too, remember my cousin's street address and phone number after many, many years have passed--as did she pass. But like your recollections, NOT the good memories shared-- those will never be forgotten....They go into our sub-terranean bank vault, like any cherished treasure.

  2. I remember Kosciusko Park, too. Our family dentist was located in Logan Square and after getting my teeth cleaned my father would take me to the library near the Park. I sure Hope I am recalling this correctly. It has been more than 65 years. My grandfather Nicholas Brod was a park commissioner at some point in time and there was a plaque on a fence naming all the commissioners.

    Sharon Galitz, Surprise, AZ

  3. OK--Kosciusko Park!!!
    During the time my father, Adam Kazmierczak, was in the Marines and at war--my mother, sister & I lived in Est Chicago, about a block from my Grandmother Solecki's house. When my dad returned home from the service, we had no car. The four of us often took evening walks in Kosciusko Park (1945). I remember it also had a cement wading pool. Siurely there were'nt 2 Kosciusko parks in E. Chicago! Sandy

  4. No, Sandy, I son' think there were 2 parks with that name. Maybe the wading pool became the swimming pool later.
