Tuesday, October 03, 2017


Tomorrow is the day for Joan's MRI and my return to the laryngologist because the medicine he gave me to clear the blockage in my ears did nothing. He should have just cleaned them on the first visit.

The world has gone crazy with madmen randomly killing innocent people everyday. Why does God allow this to happen? Can someone tell me the answer? It's not limited to one region, one country, but happening everywhere. Yes, the U.S, has, by far, the most, 67 but Iraq had 27, Pakistan 20, Israel 18 and Germany 10. 30 other countries had between 1-9. It isn't only Americans who are gun crazy.

There were demonstrations yesterday in Poland against a new proposed law that would give the President the power of selecting judges to the highest court. Many people think they should be selected by a panel of judges who better know their qualifications.

Jutro Joan ma rezonans magnetyczny , a ja wracam do laryngologa, ponieważ lek, który mi dał, aby oczyścić zatkane uszy nie pomógł. Powinien był po prostu je oczyścić podczas pierwszej wizyty.

Świat wariuje z powodu szaleńców zabijających codziennie losowo niewinne osoby. Dlaczego Bóg na to pozwala? Czy ktoś może mi odpowiedzieć? To nie ogranicza się do jednego regionu, jednego kraju, ale dzieje się wszędzie. Tak, najwięcej w Stanach Zjednoczonych- 67, ale w Iraku -27, w Pakistanie- 20, w Izraelu - 18 i Niemczech - 10. W 30. innych krajach było pomiędzy 1-9. To nie tylko Amerykanie, którzy są szalonymi na punkcie broni.

Wczoraj w Polsce pojawiły się demonstracje przeciwko nowej proponowanej ustawie, która dałaby prezydentowi prawo wyboru sędziów do Sądu Najwyższego.  Wielu uważa, że powinny być wybrane przez zespół sędziów, którzy lepiej znają swoje kwalifikacje.

1 comment:

  1. (if this is duplicate, please excuse as there was an error in sending first)

    Karma and Reincarnation. No. I am not making light of things. Fully understanding and contemplating these principles
    offers the only rational and merciful (in the face of mercilessness) reasons and explanations for the WHYS of why things happen to us, seemingly randomly. And, especially, seemingly unjustly. Like madmen-- the latest 'shooter'...or the current U.S. president (and here, it is Collective karma being reaped!)-- take your pick. One does not have to be a 'Hindu' to accept these principles. They are referred to in the bible (btw) and there was likely more references to them there, if it were not for the powers-that-be of reliosity that removed them in days gone by. Modern-- or better yet, post-modernb science also points to these principles--e.g. the Law of Cause and Effect, for instance.

    Accepting these principles in life, not only helps one keep sane, but also when
    reviewing ones own life (as we ought to periodically!), helps keep our own possibly
    erroneous attituds and actions in check.
