Friday, August 28, 2020

Last day?

So, Joan's last day of the 5 times a week physical therapy with Bartosz. Next week he only comes on Thursday at 12:00. We developed a good relationship with him during the last 3 months.

Only 66 days left to the BIG election in the U.S. I can't wait until it is over, one way or....................the other. Naturally, we don't want it to be the other.

Not much else to tell you today.

Tak więc ostatni dzień Joan na fizjoterapii z Bartoszem 5 razy w tygodniu. W przyszłym tygodniu przyjeżdża dopiero w czwartek o 12:00. Nawiązaliśmy z nim dobre relacje w ciągu ostatnich 3 miesięcy.

Tylko 66 dni do wyborów BIG w USA Nie mogę się doczekać, aż się skończą, w jedną stronę lub .................... w drugą. Oczywiście nie chcemy, żeby to był drugi.

Nie mam wiele więcej do powiedzenia dzisiaj.

Entonces, el último día de Joan de la fisioterapia 5 veces a la semana con Bartosz. La semana que viene solo viene el jueves a las 12:00. Desarrollamos una buena relación con él durante los últimos 3 meses.

Solo quedan 66 días para las GRANDES elecciones en los EE. UU. No puedo esperar hasta que termine, de una manera o .................... de la otra. Naturalmente, no queremos que sea el otro.

No hay mucho más que contarte hoy.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Hi David and Joan, thanks for your rant 24, hope to see more before the Presidential elections , firstly David, time for a cold shower, and a stiff drink, suggest a top Polish vodka (please have it straight) Please understand that there is no need getting stressed out BUT Trump WILL win by a landslide.
    Its time you stopped reading the left media links and CNN, the democrats are full of lies and hate. Your Hilary Clinton still cannot accept loosing the last election, her words are full of hate and untruths, if justice were to be done she she be locked up and in prison for her crimes. Bill Clinton is no better.
    David sound advice, look after Joan, isolate and wear a mask.
    take care anon 1

  2. Hello, Anon1. As usual, you have NO idea what is happening in the U.S. You only read from whatever source you prefer and repeat the Trump lies. Thinking Trump will win by a landslide proves this. If he thought so he wouldn't be planting the seed the election is a fraud already. The convention of lies and hate belongs to the RNC. Who cares about the Clintons now? Only Trump and his supporters have to have someone to blame for today's chaos, certainly not Trump. Your "support" for him means nothing to me since you can't vote. Miłego weekendu. :-)
