Sunday, August 02, 2020

NOT wanted.

The first family news I received was not wanted. The 15-year old son of my American cousin Roxanne has been diagnosed with Covid-19 and is now quarantined. He lives in Florida with his father. Preston is a great kid, very dedicated to basketball with hopes of playing for Duke University someday. He is in great physical shape so this was a shock to his parents and me. I knew Florida has the 2nd highest confirmed cases of Covid-19 because the governor insisted on opening up the state, ignoring what the doctors and scientists said about opening up the state too early. It was a political move rather than a move to keep the people there safe.

Today was a rest day for Joan so we watched a couple of old movies and ten went to Empik wearing our masks. There we sat, drank coffee, and watched the parade of non-mask wearing people. I took pictures of some of them. It just mystifies me why there is very little mask-wearing.

The Hungarian Cherry Soup I made last night for dinner was good but too sweet. The next time I make it I will cut down the amount of sugar used.  Today I embarked on a search for "smoothies" and found many recipes. That will be my next endeavor for some breakfast meals. Today I made for Joan French Toast with Raspberry jam. For me, it was a little dry. I need to find a syrup to use next time.

Pierwsza wiadomość rodzinna, jaką otrzymałem, nie była pożądana. U 15-letniego syna mojej amerykańskiej kuzynki Roxanne zdiagnozowano Covid-19 i teraz jest on poddany kwarantannie. Mieszka na Florydzie z ojcem. Preston to wspaniały dzieciak, bardzo oddany koszykówce, który ma nadzieję, że kiedyś zagra dla Duke University. Jest w świetnej formie fizycznej, więc był to szok dla jego rodziców i dla mnie. Wiedziałem, że Floryda ma 2. najwyższe potwierdzone przypadki Covid-19, ponieważ gubernator nalegał na otwarcie stanu, ignorując to, co lekarze i naukowcy mówili o zbyt wczesnym otwarciu stanu. Był to raczej ruch polityczny niż posunięcie mające zapewnić ludziom bezpieczeństwo.

Dziś był dzień odpoczynku dla Joan, więc obejrzeliśmy kilka starych filmów, a dziesięć poszliśmy do Empiku w naszych maskach. Tam siedzieliśmy, piliśmy kawę i oglądaliśmy paradę ludzi bez masek. Część z nich zrobiłem zdjęcia. Zastanawia mnie tylko, dlaczego noszenie masek jest bardzo rzadkie.

Węgierska zupa wiśniowa, którą zrobiłem wczoraj na obiad, była dobra, ale zbyt słodka. Następnym razem, gdy to zrobię, zmniejszę ilość używanego cukru. Dzisiaj zacząłem szukać „koktajli” i znalazłem wiele przepisów. To będzie moja kolejna próba przygotowania posiłków śniadaniowych. Dziś zrobiłam dla Joan French Toast with Raspberry Jam. Dla mnie było trochę sucho. Muszę znaleźć syrop do użycia następnym razem.

Las primeras noticias familiares que recibí no eran deseadas. El hijo de 15 años de mi prima estadounidense Roxanne ha sido diagnosticado con Covid-19 y ahora está en cuarentena. Vive en Florida con su padre. Preston es un gran niño, muy dedicado al baloncesto con la esperanza de jugar para la Universidad de Duke algún día. Él está en excelente forma física, así que esto fue un shock para sus padres y para mí. Sabía que Florida tiene el segundo mayor número de casos confirmados de Covid-19 porque el gobernador insistió en abrir el estado, ignorando lo que los médicos y científicos dijeron sobre abrir el estado demasiado pronto. Fue un movimiento político en lugar de un movimiento para mantener a la gente a salvo.

Hoy fue un día de descanso para Joan, así que vimos un par de películas antiguas y diez fuimos a Empik con nuestras máscaras. Allí nos sentamos, tomamos café y vimos el desfile de personas sin máscara. Tomé fotos de algunos de ellos. Simplemente me desconcierta por qué se usa muy poca máscara.

La sopa de cerezas húngara que hice anoche para la cena era buena pero demasiado dulce. La próxima vez que lo haga, reduciré la cantidad de azúcar utilizada. Hoy me embarqué en la búsqueda de "batidos" y encontré muchas recetas. Ese será mi próximo esfuerzo para algunas comidas de desayuno. Hoy hice para Joan French Toast con mermelada de frambuesa. Para mí, estaba un poco seco. Necesito encontrar un jarabe para usar la próxima vez.


  1. Sorry to hear about your cousin's son. My nephew and his entire family have tested positive. All because their oldest turned 20 on July 19 and some boy friends came to visit. One was infected but asymptomatic at the time. Friday my nephew went to the ER with a bad cough and fever (he already had tested positive). They did an Xray and CTscan and sent him home with medication. Darn kids think they are invincible. Stay safe and smart with your mask on. Shaz

  2. Shaz, Preston had the same. I don't know yet if he just got medication and was sent back home. I'm waiting to hear. We ALWAYS wear masks and social distance.

  3. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Hi David and Joan, You may not be up to current news in Poland, but wearing of musks is only required when entering buildings, ie shops, churches etc. These people you photographed have done nothing wrong, perhaps an apology is in order??... Missing your Saturday rant?? Take care wear a mask in building and self distance (family excluded).
    Thinks might change when the 2nd wave hits Poland, like it is doing in the rest of the world.
    My personal view for what's its worth that all people over 70 should self isolate, and remain indoors. anon1

  4. Anon 1, you may not know it but I live in Poland. There is no apology needed for showing those pictures. I didn't say they were breaking any rule or law. I simply said the were not wearing masks. An apology is in order for people who don't wear masks, are asymptomatic and they pass it on to other people. The current government position of only wearing masks in buildings will bring on the second wave. Why is there a danger for people over 70 to walk around without a mask? Could it be they might get the virus from others not wearing masks? Your logic is illogical.

  5. Anon 1, In case you didn't read it, the Health Minister of Poland said, "Poland reported its highest number of new coronavirus cases for the third day in a row on Saturday with 658". The second wave may have already started.

  6. Hi David and Joan, thanks for responding, David not trying to get into an argument, but if you self distance 1.5 metres in the open air, you have nothing to worry about, its only when indoors ie shop church etc. some points Stephanie wrote seem valid, Please note some masks I have seen worn by peopled are a waste of time.
    In fact to a point people who have the virus should only wear the mask. David the people in your photos are probably thinking why are you not inside, and at high risk of catching the virus, Joan is the the very high category and should not leave her apartment. Your other fear will be if Biden wins the presidential election the US dollar will crash, it will bring about hard times indeed. anon1

  7. Anon 1, Yes, Stephanie has some valid points. What facts back up your "If Biden wins, the dollar will crash? The dollar has been crashing for the last month and Biden is not the President.

  8. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Well, as you saw by the length of my commentary, I feel just as strongly and we'll have to "agree to disagree" about this 
    "crisis" and the wearing of masks and social distancing. 
    I am sorry hearing about Preston and the "confirmed diagnosis" given him.  BUT...I question the "testing" being given, the diagnoses that follow such testing, and anyone can "confirm" anything when you are not the medical testing "authority".
    Your cousin might believe the doctor, you apparently believe the doctor, but I am questioning the whole thing.  That said,
    WHATEVER is truly ailing thisyoung man, Preston, I hope and wish for him a full recovery....

    Here are the links to listen to:
    (the 1st link is the one I had sent you by email on April 16th (maybe you never watched those 2 videos-- it contains both Icke's commentary video, AND a separate video he introduced about the doctor I mentioned.
    The 2nd link shows you perhaps the same info and more updated info (which I just saw today while searching for the original link).

    And the 3rd video is more current commentary on this CV "crisis"

    Before, I sent the original link in an email; today, I'm posting these links on your blog; hopefully others will tune in too:


  9. Anonymous2:22 AM

    P.S. David, here is the DIRECT link to that doctor's video for you and the rest of your reader's:


  10. Hi, Stephanie. I appreciate your comments about Joan and I and Covid-19. However, after reading this... think we continue to agree to disagree. :-)

  11. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I have a lifelong friend who joined Wikipedia just to monitor, ad to, and fight to get
    certain perjurous and libelous commentary from other members, against an individual he
    (and I) admired. Not Icke, someone else (but I wish I had the time and energy to do this
    same thing for Icke). Anyone can put anything onto Wiki and if it is NOT monitored by someone integral, then the very libelous 'chop-shop' they did on Icke is what results.
    Wiki is NOT a good standard to just "look up and learn" about a person's true character.

    I read his first book decades ago, and since then, have occasionally tuned in to his podcasts, read other books he wrote, and listened to his worldwide presentations on video.
    What he revealed in that long ago book-- much of it has come about! He has many supporters now who came to their own conclusions about what is happening (esp. w. the NWO), which just happened to agree with David's research and observations.

    He has been ridiculed early on in his career (and the best way to tell when truth to power is happening, is just this-- media ridicule. Because he is the "David fighting this Goliath" (NWO)! But, you can at least appreciate, this, David (not only does he have your
    name, but he's a Taurus too (and I'm sure you will agree, Taureans major in persistence...
    and stubbornness)! So, he continues to speak out in his same way over the decades,
    despite efforts to disparage his character.

    “An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.”
    ― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

    I think it have been better for fairness sake, to give a listen to those audio links (esp. the doctor, who is NOT David Icke!) instead of deciding about an individual via Wikipedia.

    So, yes indeed, we are going to have to stay in "disagreement" about the whole CV debacle.


  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hi David and Joan, and thanks Stehani for her input, David, no one has ever correctly predicted the future of the currency market, indeed most experts have got it wrong, If you look at the history of the US dollar as it relates to the Zlote, it has been the highest since Trump has been in office, with the current virus it has taken a bit of a battering, I can only say that it would not surprise me if the US dollar/ Zlote will end up 3/1, please note the date and check it out in 12months time in Biden wins.

    As a matter of interest this film might interest you..

    take care and stay indoor. anon1
