Friday, October 19, 2012

Home again.

Yesterday was a long day driving all the way back to Poland. We decided against taking toll roads home so we could see more of the countries we passed through, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and finally Poland.  It took us 11 hours to get home exhausted from the ride but we saw some beautiful autumn scenery, especially in mountains of the Czech Republic. Many trees had turned colors by the day we returned so it was a beautiful, scenic drive.

We discovered some interesting places to visit in the future, especially Kłodzko, Poland. We left at 8AM in the morning from Budapest and arrived home at 7PM.  The night before we left Kata took us to a local ruin pub which was very interesting.  It's in an old building, of courrse, and it was filled with people.  It's like one HUGE room with a bar, places to stand and sit and decorated with different lights. It was called Szympla and only a few blocks from her house. They even had parts of old cars you could sit it.

Three things that were different from Poland for me were the lack grandparents walking children on the streets, much less use of bicycles by people and, of course, drivers were not speeding ahead to get in front of the next car in front of them.  The main roads were all very spacious and easy to drive on and it was only when we reached Poland that traffice slowed dramatically because of the roads.

Wczoraj był długi dzień jazdy z powrotem do Polski. Zdecydowaliśmy się biorąc płatnych dróg domu, więc mogliśmy zobaczyć więcej krajów Minęliśmy, Węgry, Austria, Słowacja, Czechy i wreszcie Polski. Zajęło nam 11 godziny do domu wyczerpany z jazdy, ale widzieliśmy jakiś piękny krajobraz jesienią, zwłaszcza w górach w Republice Czeskiej. Wiele drzew odwrócił kolory przez dzień wróciliśmy więc to było piękne, malownicze jazdy.

Odkryliśmy kilka ciekawych miejsc do odwiedzenia w przyszłości, zwłaszcza w Kłodzko, Polska. Wyjechaliśmy o 8 rano w godzinach porannych od Budapesztu i przybył do domu godzina dziewiętnasta.Noc przed wyjazdem Kata zabrał nas do lokalnego pubu ruiny, co było bardzo interesujące. Jest w starym budynku, z courrse, i to było pełne ludzi. To jest jak jeden ogromny pokój z barem, kładzie się stać i siedzieć i urządzone w różnych światłach. To był nazywany Szympla i zaledwie kilka przecznic od domu. Mieli nawet fragmenty starych samochodów można usiąść to.

Trzy rzeczy, które były różne od Polski dla mnie były dziadkowie brak pieszo dzieci na ulicach, a tym bardziej korzystanie z rowerów przez ludzi i, oczywiście, kierowcy nie pędziły naprzód, aby przed następnym samochodzie przed nimi. Główne drogi były bardzo przestronne i łatwe do jazdy na i to tylko wtedy, kiedy dotarł do Polski, że traffice zwolnił drastycznie z powodu dróg.


  1. Well you only saw Budapest. In Pecs, the walking with children changes from moms and grandmothers in the morning to fathers and grandfathers in the evening. It was very obvious the switch over every day.

    Also I think there is less bicycle riding because the public transportation is so very good. Why bike between university buildings when one can hop a bus and be at a new place in 10 minutes and it's all very convenient? Also there is less bike riding in the country because the population is settled so differently. Hungary had the land turned into large farms and it's still that way even though the farms are now run privately. One seems only one set of buildings for many, many hectares, whereas in Poland there would be many farm steads for many, many hectares!

    And I agree with you that driving is easier in Hungary.

  2. We drove through a lot of little villages getting to Budpest and back and didn't see the grandmother parade in any. A few, but not like in Poland.
    Public transportation in Poznan is also very good but you still see a lot of bike riders.
