
Monday, November 17, 2014


Hi, it's Joan. David hurt his back last week and currently is unable to sit or walk so he has not been able to  write. \As soon as he is better, he will be back, Hopefully in a few days.


Lucie Haskins said...

Thanks so much for letting us know Joan... I was beginning to worry that something terrible had happened!

I hope David's back issues resolve themselves quickly and completely! and that he's back to his writing soon!

Anonymous said...

To David and Joan..

David hang in there, everything will work itself out, Let Joan know that she has the support of a lot of people out there. I have always enjoyed your frank and honest reflections. I pray that you may come across a good medical doctor who will set it right.
Regards from down under.... Marcus

Linda said...

I hope things go well for you both. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

Anna from Florida said...

Dear Joan and David,

I wish you good recovery and soon. Warm greetings from Lublin. I am staying with Bola and she also send you her warm wishes of speedy recovery.


Basia said...

Get well soon Dave :-)