Thursday, May 26, 2016

Day 2

So day 2 sof the concert started out gray but by the afternoon it was sunny again and good weather. Joan and I prepared to attend the second evening but in the morning I had a complete eye examination to rule out the possibility that was the cause of my headaches. Except for aging, I have no problems with them so that rules them out as the problem. Good new from that point of view, not so good in solving the mystery of the headaches.

At 5PM we headed to the lake to celebrate the name day of Joanna and Grzegorz with their friends, Agnieszka and Piotr before we all went into the place for the concert. The weather had turned colder, 20c, and clouds covered the sky. It looked like it would rain tonight. Inside we chose a place to sit uner a tent cover in case it did but fortunately it rained only a little.

The first group to perform was a 23 piecce jazz orchesta, the Niokola Kolodziejczyk Orchestra and they played for an houor and a half. Fortunately, for some unknown reason, the second group didn't appear and so Leszek was the final performer. This time he was with a singer, Iva Bittova, a trumpet player, Oskar Torok and a guest percussionist, Zohar Fresco. How to describe the type of music we heard? It wasn't jazz but more like World Music with a Middle Eastern influence. It was incredible! Really. So different from anything you have probably heard and certainly not anything you can hear on the radio. It was another way for Możdżer to show his versatility as a musician. You should check him out on YouTube if you are not familiar with him.

Więc dzień 2 sof koncert rozpoczął się szare, ale po południu było jeszcze słonecznie i dobra pogoda. Joan i ja przygotowana do uczestniczenia w drugi wieczór ale rano miałem pełne badanie oczu, aby wykluczyć możliwość, że była przyczyną moich bólów głowy. Poza wiekiem, nie mam żadnych problemów z nimi tak, że wyklucza je jako problem. Dobry nowy z tego punktu widzenia, nie jest tak dobry w rozwiązywaniu tajemnicy bóle głowy.
5pm udaliśmy się do jeziora, aby uczcić imieniny Joanny i Grzegorza z przyjaciółmi, Agnieszka i Piotr, zanim wszystko poszło na miejsce koncertu. Pogoda zwrócił się chłodniejsze, 20c i pokryte chmurami niebo. Wyglądało na to, że to deszcz wieczorem. Wewnątrz wybraliśmy miejsce do siedzenia uner przykryciem namiotu w przypadku, gdy nie padało, ale na szczęście to tylko trochę.
Pierwsza grupa wykonywać był jazz orchesta 23 piecce, The Niokola Kołodziejczyk Orchestra zagrali dla houor i pół. Na szczęście, z jakiegoś nieznanego powodu, druga grupa nie wydaje i tak Leszek był ostateczny wykonawca. Tym razem był z piosenkarka, Iva Bittová, trębacz, Oskar Torok i perkusista Zohar Fresco, gości. Jak opisać rodzaj muzyki słyszeliśmy? To nie był jazz, ale bardziej jak World Music z bliskowschodniego wpływów. To było niesamowite! Naprawdę. Tak różne od tego, co masz prawdopodobnie słyszał i na pewno nie coś, co można usłyszeć w radiu. Był to kolejny sposób na Możdżer, aby pokazać swoją wszechstronność jako muzyk. Należy sprawdzić go na YouTube, jeśli nie są zaznajomieni z nim.


GoogleGaggler said...

Realizing how much you love various music genres, David, I wanted to share a link
to this areas premiere (and one-of-a-kind jazz venues); read the last paragraph of
this entry on the area to learn of it (btw, Nigel Kennedy has come to this little hamlet to perform in this club more than 40 times)! The owner is an amazing fellow (met last year on my first trip to Poland when me and a friend ended up 'camping' over in this man's compound, and after an extensive conversation, he opened up the
then closed club and gave us a private tour! His home is decked out in SO many
antiques (armor, swords, tea sets, paintings, old porcelain stoves, etc). He too is
an 'antique' in the best sense (I think he was a knight-- a real creative, Renaissance fellow)--like you!

GoogleGaggler said...

Whoops! Sorry...forgot to give you the link to the old jazz compound in Szawanica
(Jaworki), in the Pieniny range area of PL:

I wish I could send emails privately some of the time, but the public computer I use doesn't, you'll have to choose what you do or don't want on the blog.


GoogleGaggler said...

Hi David,

Sorry, you couldn't see the reference via the link I'd sent. So, I went back to
our exchange here, to check link for myself. It opened and I just cut and paste the
last paragragh which mentioned this jazz club:

"Szczawnica, with preserved nineteenth century the spa buildings is the town with charm and atmosphere. Lemko village - Jaworki, known primarily from the ancient church (a former Greek-Catholic orthodox church), has found a place already famous Music Sheepfold - a kind Of haven for artists. There are held concerts: rock, blues, jazz, country and others of well-known and popular artists, including frequent concerts of world - renowned violinist Nigel Kennedy."


I will also send a couple of other link references to this place (Besides visiting it and talking with Vincent, the owner, he gave me a copy of a magazine (I think from 2003), wherein an article showcased it (and interviewed him) (I wish I knew how to send the pertinent pages from it to you)

But, this hamlet is SO small, and I don't believe Vincent has a website up....
I googled around more today, and only came up with a couple of further references to it (which I will send to you in another link, because if I open any more windows on this old computer, this message might be lost). So, will send in following message....


GoogleGaggler said...

O>K., David, here are those couple of links referring a bit more
to this jazz club in Szawanica (Jaworki), including a few photos:

2009 review of Jazz Club in Szawanica (Jaworki):

Current reference to it on FourSquare site:

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thanks, Stephanie. They do have their own website now.......

GoogleGaggler said...

Oh, great! Good to know about their website....

I am letting you know that I am sending you-- by email (I figured out how to do this techy task-- yay!) with 9 scans of the magazine
articles about this club w. pictures, an interview with the owner, Vincente, and
an additional article interviewing the violinist who frequents this club, Nigel

It was published in a Summer 2012 PL (Pienini) magazine, which Vincent kindly gifted meas a remembrance of my visit and our meeting him....The email will come frommy gmail account, so you will know it's not just Spam.

I will send it shortly after sending this comment. I do hope you get it and can view/read the scanned contents.



GoogleGaggler said...

Hi David,

If you just now got my scan of the jazz club magazine article it's due to sending
it to you email address, spelling it in all caps (I read somewhere on your blog in
another comment that someone had a problem emailing to you, and you said NOT to use
caps for your email even though that's how it shows on your site). So, I just resent the same scan pages to your Hotmail, via my gmail. I HOPE you get them now!
