Thursday, November 19, 2020

Cock a doodle doo!

 4:30 in the morning comes quickly, especially when you didn't sleep well to begin. Nevertheless, I was ready to make the appointment online at 5:00, then 6:00, and then 7:00. The problem was the system was never turned on. Bureaucracy wins, once again. I had to do the weekly shopping at 8:00 so I didn't go back to sleep. When I came back from food shopping, cost 146 PLN, I called immigration and after a 20-minute wait, a young woman answered.

I explained what had happened earlier this morning. She told me the system is turned off until tomorrow morning and then try again at 5:00. She said appointments are made for a ten-day period and when those times are filled, the system stops working. That information is nowhere to be found on their website. I was so angry I wrote to the director of that department urging him to improve the system for the client's benefit. I'm not expecting an answer.

In the evening we watch a short series about the Russian Empress, Catherine the Great. Helen Miren played the part. It was interesting.

4:30 rano przychodzi szybko, zwłaszcza gdy nie spałeś dobrze, aby wystartować. Mimo to, byłem gotowy umówić się online o 5:00, potem 6:00, a potem 7:00. Problem polegał na tym, że system nigdy nie był włączony. Biurokracja wygrywa, jeszcze raz. Musiałem zrobić cotygodniowe zakupy o 8:00, żeby nie wracać do łóżka. Kiedy wróciłem z zakupów, które kosztowały 146 zł, zadzwoniłem do biura ds imigracji i po 20 minutowym oczekiwaniu, odpowiedziała młoda kobieta.

Wyjaśniłem, co się stało wcześniej rano. Powiedziała mi, że system jest wyłączony do jutra rana i żeby spróbować ponownie o 5:00. Powiedziała, że spotkania są umawiane na dziesięć dni i kiedy terminy są pozajmowane, system przestaje działać. Ta informacja nie znajduje się nigdzie na ich stronie internetowej. Byłem tak wściekły, że napisałem do dyrektora tego działu, usilnie nakłaniając go do ulepszenia systemu z korzyścią dla klienta. Nie spodziewam się odpowiedzi.

Wieczorem oglądamy krótki serial o rosyjskiej cesarzowej Katarzynie Wielkiej. Helen Miren grała tę rolę. To było interesujące.

Las 4:30 de la mañana llega rápido, especialmente cuando no dormiste bien para empezar. Sin embargo, estaba listo para hacer la cita en línea a las 5:00, luego a las 6:00 y luego a las 7:00. El problema fue que el sistema nunca se encendió. La burocracia gana, una vez más. Tenía que hacer las compras semanales a las 8:00 para no volver a dormir. Cuando volví de comprar comida, costaba 146 PLN, llamé a inmigración y después de una espera de 20 minutos, respondió una mujer joven.

Me expliqué lo que había sucedido esta mañana. Me dijo que el sistema está apagado hasta mañana por la mañana y que vuelva a intentarlo a las 5:00. Dijo que las citas se hacen por un período de diez días y cuando esos horarios se completan, el sistema deja de funcionar. Esa información no se encuentra en ninguna parte de su sitio web. Estaba tan enojado que le escribí al director de ese departamento instándolo a mejorar el sistema en beneficio del cliente. No espero una respuesta.

Por la noche vemos una breve serie sobre la emperatriz rusa Catalina la Grande. Helen Miren interpretó el papel. Fue interesante.


  1. Hello David, sorry if you discussed this in older posts but I am curious why after so many years your citizenship hasn't been established? Is there a single excluding factor or did you ultimately decide against? The reason I ask is I am assisting a friend here in the states getting citizenship by descent but he is 3d generation American and not sure if still possible. I read one is eligible after living in Poland 5 years.

  2. Hi Kris,

    For me, the problem is the Civil Registry. You have to have your birth, your wife's birth, and your marriage entered into their records and new certificates given to you in Polish. All documents have to be apostilled. Mine birth was no problem. However, my wife's are still not after 2 years. She was married once before so they wanted her divorce decree. The main problem was her mother's maiden name was spelled one way on the front of the document and another on the backside. The result--rejected. That put in motion a series of writing back to Illinois for correction and waiting, then sending it back for apostille. Then, our marriage certificate did not have the name of the church, address, and city where we were married. Same result and ensuing practice of writing back and forth. Names, addresses have to be the same on all documents. Then, Joan had her stroke and everything else has been unimportant right now. Hope that helps, if not write back with more questions.

  3. Kris, you can apply after 5 years. It can still take 2 more years until you get it. If his parents weren't born in Poland, 3rd generation or cannot pass a B1 Polish language test. the only way is to get citizenship by Presidential signature.

  4. Understood, basically one's life on paper must be exactly duplicated. In his case there might also be an issue of discontinuous lineage, not sure either parent born in the USA maintained polish citizenship. Perhaps that would need to be established as well? Thanks for info

  5. Kris, if parents gave up Polish citizenship that breaks it.
