Thursday, July 17, 2014

Chapter 7

OK, so our LuxMed health insurance was rejected by immigration because it does not have hospitalization. Now we must quickly find another firm that will cover Joan and pay again. Frankly, I am tired of writing about this particular problem we have so I'll wait until there is a resolution or Joan has to leave Poland. I, of course, would go with here despite our love for living here.

OK, więc nasz Luxmed ubezpieczeń zdrowotnych został odrzucony przez imigracji, ponieważ nie mają hospitalizacji.. Teraz musimy szybko znaleźć inną firmę, która będzie obejmować Joan i zapłacić ponownie. Szczerze mówiąc, jestem dość pisania o tym konkretnym problemie mamy więc będę czekać, aż tam jest rozdzielczość i Joan musi opuścić Polskę. I, oczywiście, by iść z tutaj mimo naszej miłości do życia tutaj.


Lucie Haskins said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the continuing medical insurance problems. Sending lots of love and light your way to help see you through this situation.

Anonymous said...

David, please don't get stressed out, this is what you experience when you do business in poland, I've had to wait 4 years to get a building permit, just take one step at a time, it will not be hard getting a hospital cover insurance, although it will be very expensive.. Good luck

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Anonymous.....we have the coverage as of today, it was accepted by immigration and the will sign the application next week. That is FANTASTIC NEWS for us.