Sunday, August 07, 2016


We finished watching an old TV series named Northern Exposure yesterday. We like it enough to watch it again every couple of years because it takes place in Alaska, the scenery is beautiful. There is no terrorism, tragedies, murders, brutality and , in general, is just a "feel good" series. It also reminds us a little of our own time living in Michigan.

94 more days of this Presidential election campaign and I am so tired of hearing, reading and seeing it. I just wish the voting was tomorrow and it was over. It is beyond my understanding how the office of the President of the United States has come down to the only two choices available. When you think of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln or JFK, it's is the biggest tragedy in the history of that office to have the current two candidates. It makes me ill.

Skończyliśmy oglądanie starego serialu telewizyjnego "Przystanek Alaska". Lubimy go oglądać i co kilka lat przypominamy o sobie; ponieważ jego akcja ma miejsce na Alasce, sceneria jest piękna. Nie ma w nim terroryzmu, tragedii, morderstw, brutalności. To po prostu przyjemny, ciepły serial. Przypomina nam też nieco o czasie, gdy mieszkaliśmy w Michigan.

Jeszcze 94 dni kampanii przed wyborami prezydenta. Jestem już zmęczony czytaniem o tym, słuchaniem i oglądaniem tego.Chciałbym, by głosowanie było jutro i by było już po wszystkim. Przerasta moje możliwości zrozumienia, że wyboru na urząd prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych dokonuje się pomiędzy zaledwie dwoma kandydatami. Gdy pomyśli się o Jerzym Waszyngtonie, Tomaszu Jeffersonie, Abrahamie Lincolnie czy JFK, największą tragedią w historii tego urzędu jest mieć obecnych dwóch kandydatów. Doskwiera mi to.

1 comment:

Shaz said...

Although the town of Cicely is widely thought to be patterned after the real town of Talkeetna, Alaska,[10][11] the main street of Cicely and the filming location was that of Roslyn, Washington, located in the Cascade Mountains. "Northern Exposure II" (the main production facility) was located in Redmond, Washington, in what is now the headquarters of Genie Industries, behind a business park.

According to The Northern Exposure Book, the moose in the opening titles was named Mort and was provided by Washington State University, where he was part of a captive herd. To film the opening sequence, the crew fenced off Roslyn, set him loose, and lured him around with food.[12]

Part of a Wikepedia article on "Northern Exposure" -- also one of mt favorite old shows.