Friday, September 15, 2017

Reader request.


I had another email from a reader in Canada enquiring about a possible move to Poland. She has dual citizenship and wanted to know what tax problems or health insurance problems she might encounter. I did my best to answer but could only answer from an American's experience.

I forgot to mention that the morning we left for Czocha we had a leak in our kitchen faucet resulting in me turning off the water to our flat while we were gone. Now a man is here fixing the problem, a broken water line under the sink. Thanks to our friend, Joanna, she made an appointment for him to be here this morning at 9:00 and he was right on time. He had to go back to the store 3 times to buy things because the standards for plumbing don't exist. In the end he was not happy it took him 3 hours to do a 1 hour job. He charged me 80 zl for the whole job. I gave him 100. I felt he deserved more.

This afternoon was food shopping time on this gray, cloudy, rainy day. Joan is busy now making out the menu for the next 5 days before we leave for Łwów.

Otrzymałem e-mail od czytelniczki w Kanadzie pytającej o ewentualną przeprowadzkę do Polski. Ma podwójne obywatelstwo i chce wiedzieć, jakie problemy podatkowe lub problemy z ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym może napotkać. Zrobiłem co w mojej mocy, aby odpowiedzieć, ale mogłem odpowiedzieć tylko z amerykańskiego doświadczenia.

Zapomniałem wspomnieć, że rano, kiedy wyjechaliśmy do Czocha, mieliśmy wyciek w naszym kuchennym kranie, co powodowało, że kiedy nas nie było, zakręcałem wodę w naszym mieszkaniu,. Teraz jest człowiek, który naprawia uszkodzoną rurkę pod umywalką. Dzięki naszej przyjaciółce, Joannie, która umówiła go na spotkanie dzisiaj rano o 9:00, mechanik przyszedł punktualnie.  Musiał wracać do sklepu 3 razy, aby kupić rzeczy, ponieważ normy dotyczące kanalizacji nie istnieją. W końcu, nie wyglądał na szczęśliwego, że zajęło mu to 3 godziny pracy zamiast 1 godziny. Policzył mi 80 zł za całą pracę. Dałem mu 100. Czułem, że zasługuje na coś więcej.

Tego popołudnia, w  tym szarym, mętnym, deszczowym dniu, zrobiliśmy zakupy. Joan jest zajęta przygotowywaniem menu na najbliższe 5 dni przed naszym wyjazdem do Lwowa.


  1. Hi David and Joan,

    Catching up yetagain!

    A friend of mine visited Czocha 2 years ago and sent me some pics,
    so I was glad to see more of them from your visit (as this castle
    seems really old and charming and well...'castelish'.
    Even though you related (I guess its posted somewhere on site) that
    the castle is 705 refurbished, may I suggest perhaps, that the parts
    that aren't open-- the tunnel structures-- maybe be due to insufficient
    funding for restoration. I say so, because in my trip last year to the
    popular Niedzica Castle in southern Poland, there were also parts of the
    underground that would have added to the mystique of the tour, but excava-
    tion by archeologists is still taking place and restoration of these under-
    ground facilities too; and the issue seems to be...funding).



  2. David,

    Have you ever considered, creating a FAQ section, and compiling all your
    past and future comments to inquiries about relocating to Poland, there.
    And maybe starting this section out, with a recap of your own transition

    So, you don't have to keep repeating yourself to newbies. I know you are a
    VERY, VERY helpful person (but going through it over and over again would
    make me stir-crazy)!

    Besides, it's a selfish suggestion, as I want to "save" your time and energy
    for your other blog input ;~}!
