
Monday, January 17, 2022


I slept until 10:30 this morning, only woken by the noise in the flat above us. It is not finished yet so every day there is noise from the drilling and pounding. It would be worth it to go to Spain just to get away from the daily noise.

We started a daily program to see if I can help stand up and walk more than she has. We have a walker without wheels but it is too hard for Joan to lift it up to move. This new walker has wheels so it will be much easier for her.

Spałem do 10:30 rano, obudzony tylko przez hałas w mieszkaniu nad nami. Nie jest ono jeszcze wykończone, więc codziennie słychać odgłosy wiercenia i walenia. Warto by było pojechać do Hiszpanii tylko po to, żeby uciec od tego codziennego hałasu. 

Zaczęliśmy codzienny program, aby zobaczyć, czy mogę pomóc Joan wstać i chodzić więcej niż ona sama potrafi. Mamy chodzik bez kółek, ale to zbyt trudne dla Joan, żeby go podnieść, żeby się poruszać. Ten nowy chodzik ma kółka, więc będzie jej o wiele łatwiej.


Anonymous said...

To sleep or not to sleep???
I've been noticing in the last 5+ years (probably always followed Nature's cycles but never really noticed before), how my generally solid 8-hrs, sleep pattern changes around/prior to both the Autumn Equinox and Spring Solstice.
That said, I am now experiencing what I call "artificial disruption"(esp.last two years) since moving out West. And considering this might have to do with several major factors-- perhaps the higher altitudes(?), perhaps ageing factors (?). As I haven't really had more daily stressors-- perhaps even less that I'm conscipus of.
But,researching into the increasing insidious rush to set up the grid of '5G' technology (don't laugh-- many have & are being affected by this, detrimentally). And, perhaps, subconsciously, picking up greater world stress (which I need to work on letting go of).

But, in terms of sleep, I have long-used sleep masks and darkened curtains, no digital anything in the room, turn cellphone on airplane mode & put it out of the room, etc. All of this has helped achieve & stabilize the 8-hour pattern for me (based around a reasonable bedtime & wake time).
Suddenly, however drastic shifts in time happening:
wide awake 'till 12:30, sometimes 'till 3:30, recently, 'till 7:30!
(more 'regularly' now-- 12ish to 11ish; trying to reestablish a 10:30 to 9:30 cycle (taking into account bathroom breaks).
The point I'm making in all this, is there has definitely been a disruption-- it's occurence has been sudden and feels entirely unnatural-- it almost feels seismic. Hope the Earth axis isn't wobbling!

I don't take Melatonin (or any meds/drugs), but I've mentioned it to you in the past, and you've tried it. Recently, have read reference to it having more benefit than for sleep-- re: dealing with this "CV-crisis".
(you might check into that new research, for yourself/Joan-- (maybe "googling": Benefits of Melatonin in treating...-- don't recall how I came across it).


Anonymous said...

Appreciate your posting the photo and words in remembrance of MLK, Jr. on this day. A quote very much needed, to remind us all, of our need to resurrect our human moral courage in the face of the burgeoning totalitarian onslaught taking place worldwide.

In Martin's honor (and our need to re-member), here are a few more quotes of others who have spoken truth-to-power & truth re: evil:

"Critical ethical judgment on the destiny of individual freedom is the very best filter of perception."
-- Arthur Kraker/Cultural Theorist


" In times of radical crisis, everything depends on the individual who says no, who, acting out of the courageous impulses of human solitude, refuses to assent to a power that would be totalizing." *

-- Karl Jaspers/ German Philosopher

* (read: totalitarian)


"I rebel, therefore we exist."

-- Albert Camus/French Philosopher