Sunday, October 26, 2008

Got Cha!

Cold remedy.
I got cha! That's what this cold said to me today. Running nose, cough, sore throat, I've got it all. The lady at the corner store gave me her remedy for a cold........a beer of light color, warmed in a pot. To that you add an egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey. As soon as you drink it you get into bed and sweat out the cold. We tried it. The taste is not good at all and we still have a cold.
We did manage to take a short walk and a picture of another renovated building.

Dostałem cha! To jest co to zimne powiedziane do mnie dzisiaj. Nos zakatarzony, zakaszl, zapalenie gardła, ja miałem to wszystko. Pani na rogu sklep dał mi jej lekarstwo dla cold........a piwa jasnego koloru, rozgrzanego w naczyniu. Do tamtego ciebie dodaj żółtko i łyżkę stołową miodu. Skoro tylko wypijesz to idziesz do łóżka i przez poty leczysz zimno. Spróbowaliśmy to. Smak nie jest dobry w wszystkim i cisi mamy zimno.
Poradziliśmy sobie by wziąć krótki spacer i zdjęcie innego odnowionego budynku.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Joan and David,

    Try to add some garlic to it, it will work as antiseptic and help to get rid of your cold faster. It will taste horrible but it may do the trick.
    You can also ask your cousin in Golina if she knows of someone who can postawic banki or put little glass balls on your back and that will definitely help. I used to get those all the time, my father was very good at it.
    The lady from the shop maybe able to tell you if she knows of someone doing that in Poznan or your friend Zbyszek can.

    I hope you will get over it soon.

    Did you think about getting flu shot?

    Best wishes,

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Hot beer and honey (but no egg yolk!!). That was what my father gave me when I got a cold as a kid. I loved it! And it sure made me sleepy.

    You had to watch the beer warming up very carefully because when it started foaming, it quickly overflowed the pan!

    Thanks for the memories...
