New church front
We had hopes to travel today to see some new places nad walk in the parks of palaces but it was raining, cloudy and gray so we decided not to go. We wanted to take an acquaintance, Sylwia, with us because her husband is in Ireland working and she never gets a chance to go anywhere to enjoy a day. Fortuantely, she had made a decision to move to Ireland in January and be reunited with her husband.
Instead of our day trip I took a walk to the church closest to us. It has recently added two new white columns to the front of the church. It is in the park very close to our flat. It is a modern church, and for me, does not give me the feeling of being in church. I suppose it is because I spent my young years with St. Casimirs church in North Hammond right next door. It was a typically large Polish Catholic church and my grandfather was a custodian. It was not unusual to have the priest or nuns over at my grandfathers house. I remember at harvest time, from the large garden my grandparents had, we often took baskets of vegetables to them. I have learned a lot about my mothers father and mother in my research since I started in 2000.
In my research of family from my fathers side I have yet to receive an answer from any letters. It's been about a month since I sent the letters.
In front of the church, in the park, are several monuments and you can see that, even in Poland, grafitti is everywhere.
The sumac bushes are particularly beautiful at this time of the year, even with the sunshine.
We had hopes to travel today to see some new places nad walk in the parks of palaces but it was raining, cloudy and gray so we decided not to go. We wanted to take an acquaintance, Sylwia, with us because her husband is in Ireland working and she never gets a chance to go anywhere to enjoy a day. Fortuantely, she had made a decision to move to Ireland in January and be reunited with her husband.
Instead of our day trip I took a walk to the church closest to us. It has recently added two new white columns to the front of the church. It is in the park very close to our flat. It is a modern church, and for me, does not give me the feeling of being in church. I suppose it is because I spent my young years with St. Casimirs church in North Hammond right next door. It was a typically large Polish Catholic church and my grandfather was a custodian. It was not unusual to have the priest or nuns over at my grandfathers house. I remember at harvest time, from the large garden my grandparents had, we often took baskets of vegetables to them. I have learned a lot about my mothers father and mother in my research since I started in 2000.
In my research of family from my fathers side I have yet to receive an answer from any letters. It's been about a month since I sent the letters.
In front of the church, in the park, are several monuments and you can see that, even in Poland, grafitti is everywhere.
The sumac bushes are particularly beautiful at this time of the year, even with the sunshine.
Mieliśmy nadzieje by podróżować dzisiaj by zobaczyć, jak trochę nowego miejsc nad wchodzi parki pałaców ale to padało, pochmurny i szarość tak zdecydowaliśmy się nie by pójść. Chcieliśmy wziąć znajomość, Sylwia, z nami ponieważ jej mąż jest w Irlandii pracującej i ona nigdy nie dostaje, żeby szansa szła gdziekolwiek by ucieszyć się dniem. Fortuantely, ona podjęła decyzję ruszyć się do Irlandii w styczniu i być ponownie połączona z jej mężem.
Zamiast naszej wycieczki jednodniowej pospacerowałem do kościoła najbliżej do nas. To ostatnio dodało dwie nowe białe kolumny do przodu kościoła. To jest w parku bardzo blisko naszego mieszkania. To jest nowoczesny kościół, i dla mnie, nie daje mnie uczucie bycia w kościele. Przypuszczam, że to jest ponieważ spędziłem moje młode lata ze św. Casimirem kościół w północnym Hammond w prawo w pobliżu. To był typowo wielki polski katolicki kościół i mój dziadek był dozorcą. To nie było niezwykłe by mieć duchownego albo zakonnic wszędzie przy moim dziadków domu. Pamiętam przy żniwach, od wielkiego ogrodu moi dziadkowie mieli, często braliśmy kosze roślin do nich. Nauczyłem się dużo o moim matek ojcu i matce w moich badaniach odkąd zacząłem w 2000.
W moich badaniach rodziny od mojej ojców strony muszę jeszcze otrzymać odpowiedź od jakichkolwiek listów. To było o miesiącu odkąd wysłałem listy.
Przed kościołem, w parku, są kilka pomników i ty możesz zobaczyć, że, nawet w Polsce, grafitti jest wszędzie.
Krzaki sumaka są szczególnie piękne w tym razem roku, nawet ze światłem słonecznym.
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