Monday, May 08, 2017


This is the coldest month of May since we have been here the last 10 years and to think at this time last week we were sitting in the sunshine, 20c and looking at the Mediterranean Sea. What a difference a week makes! It's not a complaint, I accept the weather for what it is and am happy to be alive and in love still.

In our conversation with the grandson last night I was surprised to hear he is learning Spanish also. It is something I think I can help him with, even long distance. He is working again but only part-time so it doesn't interfere with his university studies. He has been saving some of his earnings to visit us next year. I told him to study hard and we would meet him in Spain.

So France has a new president and as a member of the EU he wants to impose sanctions on Poland.

Globalist candidate  Macron has threatened Poland with sanctions if he becomes France’s new leader on 7 May. Speaking to several newspapers he said: “When the rights and values of the European Union are not respected, I want sanctions to be taken,” referring to the refusal of Poland to take in migrants from Italy and Greece, Reuters reports.
The Polish government has also clashed with the EU on the subject of its judiciary, which the EU has claimed has been weakened by the conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) led government.
“In the three months after I’m elected, there will be a decision on Poland,” Macron said.

“You cannot have a European Union which argues over every single decimal place on the issue of budgets with each country, and which, when you have an EU member which acts like Poland or Hungary on issues linked to universities and learning, or refugees, or fundamental values, decides to do nothing.”

To jest najchłodniejszy  maj, odkąd jesteśmy tutaj od dziesięciu lat i pomyśleć, że w zeszłym tygodniu o tym czasie siedzieliśmy w słońcu, przy temperaturze 20C patrząc na Morze Śródziemne. Jaką  różnicę zrobił jeden tydzień! To nie jest narzekanie, akceptuję pogodę jaka jest i to, że jestem szczęśliwy, że żyję i wciąż kocham.

Zeszłej nocy, podczas naszej rozmowy z wnukiem zdziwiłem się, gdy słyszałem, że również uczy się hiszpańskiego. Myślę, że mogę mu pomóc, nawet na odległość.
Ponownie pracuje, ale tylko w niepełnym wymiarze godzin, więc nie przeszkadza mu to w jego studiach uniwersyteckich. Oszczędza trochę ze swoich zarobków, aby odwiedzić nas w przyszłym roku. Powiedziałem mu, aby pilnie studiował, a my spotkamy się z nim w Hiszpanii.

Francja ma nowego prezydenta i jako członek UE chce nałożyć sankcje na Polskę.

Globalny kandydat Macron zagroził Polsce sankcjom, jeśli 7 maja zostanie nowym liderem Francji. Rozmawiając z dziennikarzami  kilku gazet, powiedział: "Kiedy prawa i wartości Unii Europejskiej nie są respektowane, chcę aby sankcje zostały podjęte" nawiązując do odmowy przyjęcia przez Polaków imigrantów z Włoch i Grecji, jak podał  Reuters.

Rząd polski starł się także z UE w kwestii sądownictwa, które, jak twierdzi Unia Europejska, zostało osłabione przez rządzącą konserwatywną partię PiS.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David and Joan,

    I just attended the 2017 Polish Constitution Day Parade in Chicago. One small group of marchers was in the parade with signs, demanding "Democracy" in Poland
    (obviously protesting the current conservative government there). While this
    parade was very good, the crowd tends to not be very demonstrative as a whole (I assume, mostly Polish crowd-- unlike, for instance, the crowds at the various other
    cultural parades-- Irish, Mexican, Puerto Rican...). But, apparently, there were some Poles deeply divided at what's happening in Poland. The conservative couple next to me began loudly booing and hissing and showing the thumbs down as this small
    group of marchers went buy, waving their signs (one came over to where we were and
    tried to give the protesting man an informational flayer, but he refused (a young
    Pole next to him, took a stack)!

    Then, at the end of the parade, a smaller group of
    older women(in support of the conservative standing government)and protesting vociferously and with signs too,the'democratic protestors' who marched in the parade.

    Their signs suggesting that "we don't want Communism again"), and when I spoke with
    one of the ladies I believe she mentioned this French official disdainfully, and she was adamant that THEY, and not the parade marching group of Poles, were the "real democracy" and "not those liberals"!

    Well, at least SOME form of democracy (discourse and protest!) is alive across the Pond here....;~}

    P.S. I know you're already keeping the clock, but my belated "write-in vote" is that, I like it too...and for the same reason (the C/F relay, as well as the time update your way).
