Another hot day. 34c and sunny. Thank goodness we have windows on both sides of our flat that allows a breeze to blow through it.
We watched an interesting movie by Michael Moore called, "Where to invade next". In it he goes to different countries to find the best thing they have to offer and to bring that idea back to America. Of course it is not in reality that it will happen but it is interesting to compare the things in place in those countries compared to the U.S. Iceland was interesting because after the financial crisis, a prosecutor there put 70 bankers into jail for their part in causing it. He had help from a U.S. lawyer but in the U.S. only one person went to jail.
Kolejny gorący dzień. 34 C i słonecznie. Dzięki Bogu mamy okna po obu stronach naszego mieszkania, które pozwalają powiewowi przelecieć przez nasze mieszkanie.
Oglądaliśmy interesujący film Michaela Moore'a pod tytułem " Where to invade next”. Autor filmu udaje się do różnych krajów, aby znaleźć najlepszą rzecz, jaką mieszkańcy mają do zaoferowania i przywieźć ten pomysł do Ameryki. Oczywiście, w rzeczywistości nie jest tak, że to się zdarzy, ale ciekawe jest porównanie rzeczy w tamtych krajach ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Interesująca okazała się Islandia , ponieważ po kryzysie finansowym prokurator posłał za kratki 70. bankierów z powodu ich udziału w doprowadzenia do kryzysu. Pomagał mu prawnik ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, ale w Stanach Zjednoczonych tylko jedna osoba poszła do więzienia.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
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I LOVE Michael Moore and have watched more than several of his films; the most
recent was the one you mentioned. Wasn't it eye-opening! How about the major
differences in vacation time and pay and perks between say, Italy and U.S.!
Every American should see Mike's film/s and get an education in how our country
has lagged behind Europe in many ways....and yes, I'm glad I can (STILL) criticize
it due to Free Speech (for now!)....
Yes, I was amazed also. Finland's education for only 4 hours a day, NO homework and yet ranked the highest. All of those countries are above the richest country in the world and it can't even provide universal health care for everyone. Freedom of speech is just a matter of time. Orange Head is coming soon to a theater near you :-)
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