Sunday, February 24, 2008


We sat in two chairs today across from each other, studying, and I watched the intensity of her study habits. I am so lucky to have her given to me. I can't imagine and wouldn't even try to understand my life without her. An incredible woman who has stood beside me now for 33 years.

"Joan, I want to move to Michigan, in the middle of a forest and build a house with my own two hands and live there. It means we will be seperated for months at a time". "If that's what you need to do than do it and I will wait for you" she said.

"Joan, I need to move to Poland, to find my family and live among them". " I understand what you say and how important this is for you so I will go with you" and so now we live in Poland.

They say behind every man there is a great woman and I can tell you this is true in my case. without her support of my would not be my life. I am so happy that I have her.

Usiedliśmy w dwu krzesłach dzisiaj w poprzek od siebie nawzajem, studiujące, i obserwowałem intensywność jej zwyczajów badań. Jestem tak szczęśliwy by mieć jej dany do mnie. Nie mogę wyobrazić sobie i nawet nie spróbowałbym zrozumieć mojego życia bez niej. Niewiarogodna kobieta, która wytrzymuje obok mnie teraz od 33 lat. "Joan, ja chcę ruszyć się do Michigan, w środku lasu i zbudować dom z moimi własnymi dwoma rękoma i żyć tam. To oznaczy, że będziemy seperated na miesiące jednocześnie". "Jeżeli to jest co potrzebujesz czynić niż robisz to i będę czekać na ciebie" ona powiedziała. "Joan, ja potrzebuję ruszyć się do Polski, by znaleźć moją rodzinę i żyć pośród nich". " Rozumiem co mówisz i jak ważny to jest dla ciebie tak będę iść z tobą" i tak teraz mieszkamy w Polsce. Oni mówią za każdym mężczyzną są wielka kobieta i mogę powiedzieć tobie to jest prawdziwe w moim przypadku. bez jej poparcia mojego nie byłoby moje życie. Jestem tak szczęśliwy, że mam ją.


Anonymous said...

You are a selfish old person David, your poor wife having to suffer because of your childish needs. Please satisfy here needs not yours.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Dear Anonymous,

Somehow you read my blog and get the meaning of my posts COMPLETELY wrong.You have NO idea how Joan and I have satisfied each others needs for the last 33 years. Please don't make comments about things you have NO knowledge of.

Unknown said...

How warmly you have written of Joan in your last couple of blogs. If only we could all appreciate people so well! Of course we have not (yet) heard from Joan, but I'm sure she reads what you have written ;-)
So this is a SHORT thank you for your blog, and the wonderfully positive approach you have to settling into Poland. I hope you, and esp Joan, continue to like your new teacher and class - it sounds to me like very hard work, but I have a mental block with foreign languages. Keep enjoying yourselves, and sharing your experiences.

Ann said...

I urge the students in my Polish class to use note cards for their vocabulary words. The note cards have the Polish word, the pronounciation and the English meaning. I ask them to flip through the cards at least 3 times a day. The is the best method that I found in memorizing vocabulary words. Polish is a difficult language and I am sure you know that.
Tom and I send you and Joan best wishes.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

I didn't know, of course, that you were a teacher of Polish. Do you teach privately or in a school?

Ann said...

I teach adult education at Holy Cross College in South Bend.Poles came to this area in the late 1800 because of booming factory work.(Studabaker and Singer)Now we have a lot of third generation Poles who want to search their past and experience the language. I also have students from Notre Dame and executives who travel to Poland for their work.
They all complain the language is hard and that their jaws hurt after 2 hours of practice.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

That is very nice that you can help them. South Bend is a nice community and of course Notre Dame was a bastion for Polish and Irish people.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joan and David,

I am so glad that you and Joan are sharing so much of your lives with us all strangers, but your love for your wife shines and for so many years you never lost your love and caring for each other. Some people simply do not know what real love and companionship is all about and will try to impose their point of view and spoil good things in life.
Joan and you have something that a lot of people this day and age will give everything for.
Share your love of your wife, life itself and love of your new country with each other and with all of us who came to like you both and admire you.

Best wishes