
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Gray day.

 A gray day but brightened by a conversation I had with Malgorzata from Paczkowo.  We talked for about an hour. She works as a marketing manager for an international furniture company in Poznań. Being the manager, she travels to many interesting places like Dubai and China, She was supposed to go to China again for an exhibition but the pandemic put a stop to it. The same thing happened last year. She reads a lot of books and is very knowledgeable on many topics.

Joan was not feeling well so I kept my eye on her more than usual taking her temperature and blood pressure fairly frequently. She got tired of that quickly and told me so.

I spent more time than usual sitting next to her and watching the series, Vikings, and Marco Polo on Netflix. We subscribed to it a few months ago and feel it's worth the 40 PLN($10) a month. The variety of movies, documentaries, series, dramas, comedies, and Polish movies with subtitles in English gives Joan much more entertainment selections.

In Poland, 900 troops were sent to the Belarus border after a surge in illegal border crossings. 

It is silly not to get vaccinated: this is the main message of a pro-vaccination campaign in Poznań. A creative video, shot with the participation of local theatre artists, illustrates the challenges that lay before unvaccinated people and the danger they pose to society. The message appears on the social media channels of Poznań and its YouTube channel.

Szary dzień, ale rozjaśniła mi go rozmowa z Małgorzatą z Paczkowa.  Rozmawialiśmy około godziny. Pracuje jako marketing manager w międzynarodowej firmie meblarskiej w Poznaniu. Jako manager podróżuje do wielu ciekawych miejsc, takich jak Dubaj czy Chiny. Miała znów jechać do Chin na wystawę, ale pandemia to przerwała. Podobnie było w zeszłym roku. Czyta dużo książek i jest bardzo kompetentna w wielu tematach.

Joan nie czuła się dobrze, więc miałem na nią oko bardziej niż zwykle, mierząc jej temperaturę i ciśnienie krwi dość często. Szybko się tym znudziła i powiedziała mi o tym.

Spędziłem więcej czasu niż zwykle siedząc obok niej i oglądając seriale Vikings i Marco Polo na Netflixie. Subskrybowaliśmy go kilka miesięcy temu i uważamy, że jest wart tych 40 zł (10$) miesięcznie. Różnorodność filmów, dokumentów, seriali, dramatów, komedii i polskich filmów z napisami w języku angielskim daje Joannie o wiele więcej możliwości wyboru rozrywki.

W Polsce, 900 żołnierzy zostało wysłanych na granicę z Białorusią po tym, jak wzrosła liczba nielegalnych przekroczeń granicy. 

Głupotą jest się nie szczepić - to główne przesłanie kampanii proszczepionkowej w Poznaniu. Kreatywny film, nakręcony przy udziale lokalnych artystów teatralnych, ilustruje wyzwania, jakie stoją przed osobami niezaszczepionymi i zagrożenie, jakie stanowią dla społeczeństwa. Przekaz pojawia się na kanałach social media Poznania oraz na jego kanale YouTube.

 Un día gris, pero amenizado por una conversación que tuve con Malgorzata de Paczkowo.  Hablamos durante una hora. Trabaja como directora de marketing en una empresa internacional de muebles en Poznan. Como directora, viaja a muchos lugares interesantes, como Dubai y China. Se suponía que iba a ir a China de nuevo para una exposición, pero la pandemia lo impidió. Lo mismo ocurrió el año pasado. Lee muchos libros y es una gran conocedora de muchos temas.

Joan no se encontraba bien, así que la vigilé más de lo habitual tomándole la temperatura y la tensión con bastante frecuencia. Se cansó rápidamente de eso y me lo dijo.

Pasé más tiempo del habitual sentado a su lado y viendo las series Vikingos y Marco Polo en Netflix. Nos suscribimos hace unos meses y creemos que merece la pena pagar los 40 PLN (10 dólares) al mes. La variedad de películas, documentales, series, dramas, comedias y películas polacas con subtítulos en inglés le da a Joan muchas más opciones de entretenimiento.

En Polonia, se enviaron 900 efectivos a la frontera con Bielorrusia tras un aumento de los cruces ilegales de la frontera. 

Es una tontería no vacunarse: este es el principal mensaje de una campaña pro-vacunación en Poznań. Un vídeo creativo, rodado con la participación de artistas de teatro locales, ilustra los retos que se plantean a las personas no vacunadas y el peligro que suponen para la sociedad. El mensaje aparece en los canales de medios sociales de Poznań y en su canal de YouTube.


Anonymous said...

enjoy the Kool aid in the form of the jab, Jonestown we are behind you

Anonymous said...

"It is silly not to get vaccinated: this is the main message of a pro-vaccination campaign in Poznań. A creative video, shot with the participation of local theatre artists, illustrates the challenges that lay before unvaccinated people and the danger they pose to society. The message appears on the social media channels of Poznań and its YouTube channel."

Ess: I seriously disagree.

No. It is NOT silly not to get vaccinated. Nothing about such "creative" propaganda campaigns to force mass vaccination on the world populace is silly.

On the contrary, it is downright dangerous!! And part of the "hatred campaign" dividing humans against humans (as the article I sent at a prior post attests to).
This is the real virus being spread-- hatred!
Shameful...AND and destructive!

Anonymous said...

“Show me your papers”. Sounds awful familiar.

Do a search on people in France that can’t enter grocery stores without vaccine passports. There’s another video of French citizens burning their vaccine passports in solidarity with the people who choose not to get the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are many, many human beings out there who DISAGREE w. the
"State Propaganda" we've been spoonfed/forcefed!

You will NOT find them on the local news channels (which are bought lock,stock and barrel" by these "world-controllers".

This IS HOPE-- that they-- we-- are many, and objecting in many ways.
Bless these French, heroic human beings! There are more and more like you daily, who believe in staying free, staying healthy, staying human!!

Yesterday, on a bus, a YOUNG (a lot of them who ARE swallowing the State koolaide) driver and I were the only ones aboard. Since I am a human and have been healthy since day one of this fiasco-- and well and long before-- I KNOW I need to breathe; so, since I have long argued the point with bus drivers but now just don the mask and use my hands to create breathing space, so I don't faint/die under the propaganda: that I MUST HELP OTHERS,SO, basically harm myself in doing so!! Oh, NO I WON'T. Well, this guy tells me to keep my hands away from my face and I told him I was leaning on my hand (& I WAS, but this fool did not need to know my life story). I looked at him steadily into his eyes, wondering if he was truly nuts or what? And, as 'e pushed the envelope', by opening the rear bus door and telling me to get off, I retorted: "What...are you now a mask Nazi?'". And continued staring at him-- then, said, "just go and drive" and added, I said, do you know this is 'Senior Appreciation Month' here. You need to show some respect to those older than you." And, kept staring into his eyes. He looked at me as if I was the nut-- then, shook his head and got into his little seat and drove a little way, and I parted from his little mind!

You have to stay sane but be creative sometimes; keep hope, have courage, and stay human!!


Anonymous said...

I was going to say that the bus driver was doing his job by enforcing the insane mask mandate. I kept reading and realized the guy must be a mindless lemming. There were only 2 of you on the bus, and he wanted to force you off just because you tried to help yourself breathe?? Pure insanity. Stay strong.