Friday, January 02, 2009

NO shopping today!!

Today was shopping day but when we got to the store there were long lines at the checkout counters and I HATE lines. I checked with my chef (Joan) and she said we had enough food until Sunday so we made a speedy exit from the mall. We'll do our shopping Sunday afternoon. Normally on Fridays the store is empty but everyone must have eaten all of the holiday food already and need to restock.

Outside it was beautiful this morning with all of the trees covered in white, frozen frost so I took some pictures to show you. We did a little studying and then watched the Polish version of Pan Tadeusz. Last night on TV we watched a Peter Gabriel concert from 2003. He's getting old :-)

Cousin Heather Nelson sent pictures of Christmas in Indiana. She lives in Las Vegas but went back to Indiana to spend the holidays with her mother and sister.

Dzisiaj było sprawunki dzień ale kiedy dostaliśmy się do sklepu byli długie linie przy ladach testu sprawdzajacy i NIENAWIDZĘ linii. Sprawdziłem z moim mistrzem kucharskim (Joan) i ona powiedziała, że mamy dość żywności aż do niedzieli tak zrobiliśmy pośpieszne wyjście od strefy dla pieszych. Zrobimy nasze robiące zakupy niedzieli popołudnie. Normalnie w piątki sklep jest pusty ale każdy musiał zjeść wszystko z żywności święta już i potrzebuje odnowić zapasy.

Na zewnątrz tego był piękny dzisiaj rano z wszystkimi z drzew zakopał biały, zamrożony mróz tak zrobiłem kilka zdjęć by pokazać tobie. Zrobiliśmy trochę studiowania i wtedy obserwowaliśmy polską wersję Rondla Tadeusz. Ubiegłej nocy na telewizji obserwowaliśmy Petera Gabriela koncert od 2003. On dostaje się stary :-)

Heather Nelson kuzyna wysłał zdjęcia Bożego Narodzenia w Indiana. Ona mieszka w Lesie Vegas ale wróciła do Indiana by spędzić wakacje z jej matką i siostrą.


Lori said...

I love these kind of magical winter days.

Anonymous said...

Hello David,
I read your entire blog I think and it was a pleasure to read. I think you could - in time - publish it as a book. It would sell I think as people like to read about their own country from different perspective :)
I am myself a Pole from Szczecin with a tiny Indiana conection - had a girlfriend from Bloomington once and had been there for Christmass in mid 90ties. It didn't work for us, oh well still have great memories of her.
Anyway - thanks for a good read and good luck with your adventures; wishing you also finding that good property and progress in polish language.

Robert from Szczecin

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...


Thanks for your comments. Always nice to hear positive things. I was born in Hammond, Indiana and am familiar with Bloomington, especially Indiana University.

As for the "book", I haven't figured out how to save my blog, with pictures, to a disk or external drive yet. I can save them monthly with Firefox but they remain only on their server.