Saturday, March 24, 2018

To B1 or not to B1

I took 2 sample test of the Polish B1 language exam. One said I had 53% correct and the other 39% correct. Probably the latter is correct. Being the optimist, I contacted a language school here and asked if they could prepare an intensive course for me to pass the test. They, of course, said I should come and take a test to estimate what level I am at and if it is possible. I will go on Tuesday to do it. Naturally, the intensive course they would prepare will cost money and how much it costs will determine whether or not I can do it. It can't hurt to at least take the test. I'm not hoping for a miracle. The B1 is about 4 hours long and includes listening comprehension, grammar accuracy, reading comprehension, writing and oral examination.

Wziąłem 2 próbne egzaminy z języka polskiego B1. Jeden powiedział, że mam 53% poprawności, a pozostałe 39% jest poprawne. Prawdopodobnie to ostatnie jest poprawne. Będąc optymistą, skontaktowałem się z kursem językowym. Oni, oczywiście, powiedzieli, że powinienem przyjść i zrobić test. Pójdę we wtorek, aby to zrobić. Oczywiście intensywny kurs musiałby to zrobić. Mogę to zrobić. Nie zaszkodzi przynajmniej wziąć test. Nie mam nadziei na cud. B1 ma około 4 godzin i słuchanie ze zrozumieniem, dokładność gramatyki, czytanie ze zrozumieniem, pisanie i egzamin ustny

Tomé 2 pruebas de muestra del examen de lengua polaco B1. Uno dijo que tenía el 53% correcto y el otro 39% correcto. Probablemente lo último sea correcto. Siendo el optimista, contacté un curso de idiomas. Ellos, por supuesto, dijeron que debería venir y tomar una prueba. Iré el martes para hacerlo. Naturalmente, el curso intenso tendría que hacerlo. Yo puedo hacerlo. No puede hacer daño al menos tomar la prueba. No espero un milagro. El B1 tiene aproximadamente 4 horas de duración y comprensión auditiva, precisión gramatical, comprensión de lectura, escritura y examen oral.


Anonymous said...

B GONE from there. What will Joan do there if you pass away first which, God forbid, may be likely? Although she agreed to go on this Poland adventure for YOUR sake, it's time to think about HER!

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

ANON, Give me a break! You have NO idea how complicated this is.

Anonymous said...

Having no idea of said complications and from the outside looking in, I withdraw my views of your situation. Sorry.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Anon, Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi David, I have never heard of somebody requiring to pass a polish test as a pre requisite to getting a passport, my understanding is that if you have polish ascestory it is sufficient, Sorry David, am I missing something, is Joan not well.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Anon, Joan is well. In order to apply for naturalisation as a Polish citizen you have 2 possible options, one is available for those with permanent residence after 3 years of acquiring that status, but the knowledge of polish language is obligatory. The other option is naturalisation by the President of Poland. Find details below.

For the first option, you have to submit the following documents:

1.the application for naturalisation as a Polish citizen (enclosed),

2. the proof of the administrative fee payment (219 PLN),

3. biometric photograph, biometric photograph is an undamaged, up-to-date, in color photograph of 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, made within the last 6 months, against a homogenous, bright background, high-definition and showing clearly the eyes and face from the top of the head to the upper part of the shoulders, so that the face covers 70-80% of the photograph. The photograph has to show a bareheaded person without any dark-lensed glasses, looking directly with the eyes opened, hair removed from face, natural face expression and closed mouth. A person with congenital of acquired eyesight disabilities, can enclose photograph depicting him or her wearing dark-lensed glasses, and person wearing headgear for religious reasons - photograph depicting him or her wearing the headgear, provided that the headgear does not hide nor distorts the shape of the face.

4. the original version of the copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Polish Registry Office [urząd stanu cywilnego]. The Birth Certificate should include: full name and surname, date and place of birth, name and surname of the father and name and mother’s surname at the birth,

5. the original version of the current (not older than 3 months) document issued by the Polish Registry Office, confirming the marital status (i.e. current extract of the Marriage Certificate, extract of the Death Record of the spouse),

6. certified photocopy of valid document confirming identity and citizenship (foreign passport or travel document or ID document of EU citizen),

7. confirmation of the permanent residence

8.statement on the dates of departure from Poland, as well as of return to Poland and on the places of staying abroad in the periods specified in Art. 30, section 1 of the Act together with the documents confirming having interrupted stay in Poland (e.g. copies of whole passports with stamps, plane tickets, travels on official business.

9.Every applicant has to enclose official certificate confirming knowledge of the Polish language at least at a conversational level, i.e. graduation certificate of a school in Poland, graduation certificate of a school abroad with Polish language of instruction or a certificate issued by the State Committee on Certifying the Knowledge of the Polish Language as a Foreign Language [Państwowa Komisja Poświadczania Znajomości Języka Polskiego jako Obcego], to the application (B1 level)
For the second option, a language certificate is not obligatory, but besides the above mentioned (1-7) documents, additionally, you should submit:
1.documents confirming the sources of income,
2.documents confirming professional achievements if those have been declared in the application (i.e. academic and professional degrees and titles, creative works, journalism, prizes, projects made)
3.documents confirming political and social activity if it has been declared in the application,
4.held documents of parents and further ancestors, if they had Polish citizenship

Details for the fee payment (obly for the first option, second is free of charge) - 219 PLN

Urząd Miasta Poznania
A passport because of Polish ancestry is possible in 2 ways. 1. Provide all necessary documents + pass B1 test; time=3 months. 2. Provide necessary documents without passing B1 test and wait up to 2 years for the President to approve it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry David, may I suggest you seek professional help re you passport, if you apply using ancestory criteria, these is no fee,
Your biggest problem is getting all you documentation which has to be correctly certified, good luck