The first one was with Skyping with Carmelo. After having his laptop repaired he couldn't connect with me and we were not sure why. I tried a couple of different ways to fix the problem and .in the end I just deleted his contact, added him again and it worked. He has a new job now preventing us from talking weekdays and on weekends some are good but not all. He is willing to do it at night about 19:00 but that cuts into my evenings with Joan. However, he is the only consistent Spanish partner I have so I asked Joan if I could talk with him on Mon., Wed., and Fri. from 19:30 to 20:30. She said yes.
The 2nd problem was a meeting I was to have at 11:30 on the other side of town. Today there was a marathon race in town and I just happened to get stuck on the road they were going by. By stuck I mean traffic didn't move for 1/2 hour and when I finally did move and I tried to reach my meeting, that road was also closed. In the end I had to call and postpone it until next week.
On the bright side,
it was a beautiful day for a walk for we did go for one. I took several pictures of lovely shrubs and flowering trees in the neighborhood.
Pierwszy był z Skypingiem z Carmelo. Po naprawieniu laptopa nie mógł się ze mną połączyć i nie byliśmy pewni, dlaczego. Wypróbowałem kilka różnych sposobów rozwiązania problemu i na koniec właśnie usunąłem jego kontakt, dodałem go ponownie i zadziałało. Ma nową pracę, która obecnie uniemożliwia nam rozmowę w dni powszednie, aw weekendy niektóre są dobre, ale nie wszystkie. Jest gotów to zrobić w nocy około 19:00, ale to wtłacza się w moje wieczory z Joan. Jednak jest on jedynym konsekwentnym partnerem hiszpańskim, więc zapytałem Joan, czy mogę porozmawiać z nim w poniedziałek, środę i piątek. od 19:30 do 20:30. Powiedziała tak.
Drugim problemem było spotkanie, które miałem odbyć o 11:30 po drugiej stronie miasta. Dzisiaj w mieście był maraton, a ja po prostu utknąłem na drodze, którą przejeżdżali. Utknąłem, mam na myśli, że ruch nie ruszał się przez pół godziny, a kiedy w końcu się poruszyłem i próbowałem dotrzeć do mojego spotkania, ta droga również została zamknięta. W końcu musiałem zadzwonić i odłożyć to do przyszłego tygodnia.
Z drugiej strony, był to piękny dzień na spacer, bo na niego poszliśmy. Zrobiłem kilka zdjęć pięknych krzewów i kwitnących drzew w sąsiedztwie.
Hi Joan and David, Thanks for remembering me when you refer matters involving his excellency, the commander in chief, It seems some people are hard to please, if Hillary was the President we would probably be at war with everyone and taxes would have gone through the roof. The orange man is a maverick, he has done what no other president would have achieved in terms of North Korea and Syria
Sit back and enjoy what he is doing
Anon, if Hillary were President we would not be at war with everyone, we would not be in a trade war, she would not be changing her cabinet every month, we would have signed the Paris climate agreement, we would still have our allies, she would not be making stupid comments on Twitter, she would not be golfing every weekend, nominating unqualified people for important positions, fueling nationalistic and racist ideology, building a wall, etc. etc. etc.
Being of very sound judgment, I (a more astute anonymous) agree with you David 100%!
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