Monday, September 12, 2016


I talked with the psychologist today and she agreed that 3 weeks should be the end of Joan's stay at rehab. We both feel any time longer wouldn't give her a bigger benefit than being at home and continuing her rehab at home. I was happy that she had the same opinion and will tell the main doctor that at the weekly patient meeting conference. Of course, Joan was happy to hear that opinion also.

Today was just another full day of therapy and then food shopping for me for the rest of my stay in the farm house. I just needed breakfast and dinner food and I bought it all in Kąkalewo a Dino's. It's another small chain of stores like Biedronka.

Dzisiaj rozmawiałem z psychologiem, która zgodziła się, że 3 tygodnie pobytu Joanny na rehabilitacji powinno wystarczyć. Oboje czujemy, ze każda chwila dłużej nie da jej większej korzyści niż bycie w domu i kontynuowanie tam rehabilitacji. Byłem szczęśliwy, że psycholog miała taką samą opinię i powie naczelnemu lekarzowi na cotygodniowym spotkaniu w sprawie pacjentów. Oczywiście, Joan była szczęśliwa, kiedy usłyszała tę opinię.

Dzisiaj był kolejny  dzień pełnej rehabilitacji, a następnie zrobiliśmy zakupy żywności dla mnie do końca mojego pobytu w wiejskim domu. Potrzebne mi było jedzenie na śniadanie i obiad i kupiliśmy  to wszystko w Dino w  Kąkolewie. To kolejna mała sieć sklepów jak Biedronka.


Shaz said...

Hallelujah, its almost over. I hope it has gone faster than you thought (and dreaded) it would. Keep up the good work in the coming weeks.
Cheers to you both.

Lucie Haskins said...

David, I loved your video! And hearing you talk! I didn't know what to expect and was delighted... both with hearing your voice... and with seeing a more expansive view of part of Poland than one can capture in still photos. Your running commentary was very informative.

One note, I don't know if there is anything you can do regarding the resolution for the video but the signs were fuzzy and I wasn't really able to read them... the long vistas looked blurry... and when you pointed out people walking or on bicycles, it took a while to distinguish them... though they never came into sharp focus.

Thank you for trying this new medium. I loved it!