Monday, June 22, 2020

Balcony dinner.

I'm still waiting for the doctor to find out the blood test results. I dislike waiting very much but what else can I do.

Bartosz and Joan walked the stairs today.  That and the other normal exercises were her therapy today.

For dinner, I made roasted chicken thighs, potatoes, and greens. It was a nice evening so we ate on the balcony. Joan liked it.

I saw the news that Trump blamed the protesters for the miserable attendance at his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That's funny. Maybe people just didn't want to take a chance of Covid-19 contact?

Nadal czekam na wyniki badań krwi. Bardzo nie lubię czekać, ale co innego mogę zrobić.

Bartosz i Joan chodzili dzisiaj po schodach. To i inne normalne ćwiczenia były jej dzisiejszą terapią.

Na kolację zrobiłem pieczone udka z kurczaka, ziemniaki i zieleninę. To był ciepły wieczór, więc zjedliśmy na balkonie. Joan to się podobało.

Widziałem wiadomość, że Trump obwiniał protestujących za nędzną frekwencję na wiecu w Tulsie w Oklahomie. To zabawne. Może ludzie po prostu nie chcieli zaryzykować kontaktu z Covidem-19?

Todavía estoy esperando que el médico descubra los resultados del análisis de sangre. No me gusta esperar mucho, pero ¿qué más puedo hacer?

Bartosz y Joan caminaron las escaleras hoy. Ese y los otros ejercicios normales fueron su terapia hoy.

Para la cena, preparé muslos de pollo asados, papas y verduras. Fue una noche agradable, así que comimos en el balcón. A Joan le gustó.

Vi la noticia de que Trump culpó a los manifestantes por la miserable asistencia a su manifestación en Tulsa, Oklahoma. Eso es gracioso. ¿Quizás la gente simplemente no quería arriesgarse con el contacto de Covid-19?


  1. Don't know if you saw this interview, but I wanted to make sure you did. I guess this senator can feel free to talk now, being he's retired, and doesn't have to worry about being bullied out of a job.

    By the way, we make German pancakes a lot, only problem is they get cold fast, so you have to eat them as soon as they come out of the oven. Can't fix them or a crowd but, I love them. I never had regular American pancakes until I got married, and had to make them for my husband. My mom always made Crepes.
    Have you tried playing Scrabble with Joan? I play it on line a lot. Just to keep my mind active. I hope it's working. :)

  2. Hello, Helen. Yes, I saw the interview when it came out. I've tried Scrabble with Joan. I have my mother's 30-year-old game and we've used it a lot when there wasn't anything interesting going on here.

    Our pancake didn't get cold. Maybe because it is baked in the oven.

    My mom used to make what she called naleśniki but now I know they were really just small pancakes. Nothing like real naleśniki.
