Friday, May 01, 2015

Losing population.

May 1st-Labor Day and most stores or shops are closed today. A day to celebrate the workers of the world but here they should be getting paid more than they do. It's a reason we are losing so many young people. Currently Poland has about 38 million people but it's estimated that in 10 years only 30 million will live in Poland. The birth rate is below the rate for growth because of new babies and that, with the low wages paid, is causing a decline in population. Poland is not the only country with this problem in Europe.

 On the bright side, our old favorite team, the Chicago Bulls defeated their opponent by 54 points in the basketball tournament and now moves on to a bigger challenge against the Cleveland Cavaliers. If you follow American Basketball you know what that means, if not, it doesn't matter.

Today I had the strange experience of holding in my hand an automatic weapon, a Kahlashnikov rifle. A friend of mine has one and he showed it to me. I've seen them in pictures many times but never in reality. He is a collector and has all the legal permits necessary to own guns, something unusual in Poland.

May Day 1-Pracy i większość sklepów i sklepy są zamknięte dzisiaj. Dzień do świętowania robotników świata ale tutaj należy płacą więcej niż oni. Jest to powód, tracimy tak wiele młodych ludzi. Obecnie Polska posiada około 38 milionów ludzi, ale szacuje się, że w ciągu 10 lat tylko 30 mln będzie żyć w Polsce. Wskaźnik urodzeń jest poniżej stopy wzrostu z powodu nowych dzieci i tego, z niskich płac, powoduje spadek populacji. Polska nie jest jedynym krajem, z tym problemem w Europie.

Z drugiej strony, nasz stary ulubiony zespół, Chicago Bulls pokonali swoich przeciwników 54 punkty w turnieju koszykówki, a teraz przenosi się do większego wyzwania przeciwko Cleveland Cavaliers. Jeśli zastosujemy amerykański Koszykówka wiesz, co to znaczy, jeśli nie, to nie ma znaczenia.
Dziś miałem dziwne doświadczenie trzymając w ręku broni automatycznej, karabin Kahlashnikov. Mój przyjaciel ma jeden i pokazał mi ją. Widziałem je na zdjęciach wiele razy, ale nigdy nie w rzeczywistości. Jest kolekcjonerem i ma wszystkie pozwolenia prawnych niezbędnych do własnych broni, coś niezwykłego w Polsce.


greenbandman said...

You are correct in with comments regarding birth rates and pay. I have three nephews. One has one child, another 2, and the youngest is unmarried. The single nephew sees the difficulties of his friends trying to work and raise families on meager salaries and is delaying marriage hoping things will improve. To summarize, 5 young people with 3 replacements. This is not a sustainable population. On the positive note, U believe fewer young people are leaving Poland permanently.

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

John-I don't believe it is necessarily true that fewer people are leaving permanently. If nothing is done to change the pay scale they probably won't return.