Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Protest against the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal. The crowd of Poznań residents reached the headquarters of the curia, the Bishop's palace.  The door was guarded by policemen. The inhabitants of Poznań are protesting against the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal on Thursday, which found that abortion due to serious defects or incurable disease of the fetus is unconstitutional.

In Poznań and in many other Polish cities, there were protests of women and men who are opposed to the aggravation of women and men. In the capital of the region, several thousand people blocked the city center. According to the organizers, about 10,000 people took part in the protest. The police estimate that 3,000. There were scuffles in front of the archbishop's palace.

Protest przeciwko orzeczeniu Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Tłum poznaniaków dotarł do siedziby kurii, pałacu biskupiego. Drzwi były pilnowane przez policjantów. Poznaniacy protestują w czwartek przeciwko wyrokowi Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, który stwierdził, że aborcja z powodu poważnych wad lub nieuleczalnej choroby płodu jest niezgodna z Konstytucją.

W Poznaniu i wielu innych miastach Polski odbywały się protesty kobiet i mężczyzn, którzy sprzeciwiają się drażnieniu kobiet i mężczyzn. W stolicy regionu kilka tysięcy osób zablokowało centrum miasta. Według organizatorów w proteście wzięło udział około 10 000 osób. Policja szacuje, że 3000. Przed pałacem arcybiskupim trwały bójki.

Protesta contra la decisión del Tribunal Constitucional. La multitud de residentes de Poznań llegó a la sede de la curia, el palacio del obispo. La puerta estaba custodiada por policías. Los habitantes de Poznań protestan contra la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional del jueves, que determinó que el aborto debido a defectos graves o enfermedad incurable del feto es inconstitucional.

En Poznań y en muchas otras ciudades polacas, hubo protestas de mujeres y hombres que se oponen al agravamiento de mujeres y hombres. En la capital de la región, varios miles de personas bloquearon el centro de la ciudad. Según los organizadores, unas 10.000 personas participaron en la protesta. La policía calcula que 3.000. Hubo refriegas frente al palacio del arzobispo.


  1. Anonymous3:39 AM


    WARSAW, Poland (AP)

    The court argued that terminating pregnancy due to defects of the fetus amounted to eugenics — a 19th century notion of genetic selection that was later applied by the Nazis in their pseudo-scientific experiments....

    It agreed with the plaintiffs that it was a form of banned discrimination when the decision about an unborn child’s life was conditioned on its health....

    In justifying its decision, the court said “there can be no protection of the dignity of an individual without the protection of life....”

    Monika Scislowska, Associated Press

  2. Anonymous,

    Warsaw Poland(AP)

    The challenged law was introduced by Poland’s young post-communist democracy in 1993 as a hard-won compromise between the influential Catholic Church and the state authorities. It allows abortions when a pregnancy endangers a woman’s health or life, or results from rape or other illegal act, and also in case of congenital defects. Only the last provision was challenged.

    Even before Thursday’s ruling, many Polish women have sought abortions abroad.

    Health Ministry figures show that 1,110 legal abortions were held in Poland in 2019, mostly because of fetal defects.

    The verdict was announced by the court’s president, Julia Przylebska, a loyalist of the right-wing government that is focused on family and Catholic values. Przylebska’s appointment to the court in 2015 was one of the government’s first steps toward taking control of the judiciary. These steps have drawn condemnation from the European Union which says they violate the democratic principle of the rule of law.

    The head of the Civic Coalition, Borys Budka, said on Twitter that the government used a “false” court of its own appointees to do something “simply inhuman.”

    Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović deplored the decision.

    “Removing the basis for almost all legal abortions in #Poland amounts to a ban & violates #HumanRights,” she tweeted. “Today’s ruling of the Constitutional Court means underground/abroad abortions for those who can afford & even greater ordeal for all others. A sad day for #WomensRights.”

    One of the judges who did not back the ruling, Leon Kieres, argued he was mindful of the situation and condition of women when deprived of the right to decide about pregnancy with defects.

    Hours later, hundreds of mostly young protesters defied a pandemic-related ban on gatherings and staged a protest before the court with signs saying “You Have Blood on Your Gowns” and “Shame.”

    Monika Scislowska-Associated Press
