Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sad news, then Rant.

First-I received sad news yesterday that Cathy Zabinski, wife of cousin Harry who passed away a few years ago, has died after a long illness. Unfortunately, due to the virus, it would be impossible to fly there for her funeral. She leaves behind her 2 daughters, Heather and Roxanne, and 3 grandchildren, Ryan, Logan. and Cooper.

This is probably not the last rant. If Trump wins the election. it will help to blow off a little steam once a week. However, even if he loses, he still has 3 more months as President to damage the country even more. If Biden wins and does something I can't agree with, you will know it.

What is going on in Poland now is reminiscent of the time of the Vietnam war. In the United States, there were protests against it throughout the country. The people were in the streets everywhere to protest. Those days are over now. Now they protest on social media which has little effect.

However, in Poland, there are massive protests against the new abortion law everywhere. The governing party, PiS, did not expect it to be like this. They cleverly took advantage of the coronavirus. With regulations stating that no more than 10 people can be in a social gathering, they may have thought it would limit any protests. They made a huge mistake. If you look at this video I posted on the right, you will see what I mean, and this is ONLY the one in Poznan. Back up the video to the beginning. These protestors are serious and say they will continue until the law is changed.

Natalia Cylwik-- "Some time ago the ruling party PiS completely replaced members of the constitutional court with pro-PiS judges (there were protests against it). Now, these judges ruled that the law which allows termination of pregnancy in the case of a very serious defect of the fetus is unconstitutional, ie. women need to give birth e.g. even when they know the baby will die right after the delivery. They tried to pass this law already a few years back and there were hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets. Now they've done it during the pandemic so people can't protest so we are twice as angry. The church authorities have expressed their happiness following the ruling and they have long been meddling with the state affairs so part of the protest is against that too. The head of the ruling party gave a speech in which he called on his supporters to "protect the churches AT ALL COSTS', i.e. inciting violence. Now we have nationalists attacking protesters. This is, in short, the situation".

Po pierwsze - wczoraj dostałem smutną wiadomość, że Cathy Zabinski, żona zmarłego kilka lat temu kuzyna Harry'ego, zmarła po długiej chorobie. Niestety z powodu wirusa niemożliwe byłoby polecieć tam na jej pogrzeb. Zostawia swoje 2 córki, Heather i Roxanne oraz troje wnuków, Ryana i Logana. i Cooper.

To chyba nie ostatni rant. Jeśli Trump wygra wybory. pomoże to trochę wypuścić raz w tygodniu. Jednak nawet jeśli przegra, ma jeszcze 3 miesiące jako prezydent, aby jeszcze bardziej zaszkodzić krajowi. Jeśli Biden wygra i zrobi coś, z czym nie mogę się zgodzić, będziesz o tym wiedział.

To, co dzieje się obecnie w Polsce, przypomina czasy wojny w Wietnamie. W Stanach Zjednoczonych protestowano przeciwko niej w całym kraju. Wszędzie na ulicach protestowali ludzie. Te dni już minęły. Teraz protestują w mediach społecznościowych, które mają niewielki wpływ.

Jednak w Polsce wszędzie trwają masowe protesty przeciwko nowej ustawie aborcyjnej. Partia rządząca, PiS, nie spodziewała się, że tak będzie. Sprytnie wykorzystali koronawirusa. Z regulacjami, zgodnie z którymi nie więcej niż 10 osób może uczestniczyć w spotkaniu towarzyskim, mogli pomyśleć, że ograniczy to wszelkie protesty. Zrobili ogromny błąd. Jeśli spojrzysz na to wideo, które zamieściłem po prawej stronie, zobaczysz, o co mi chodzi, a to TYLKO ten w Poznaniu. Ci protestujący są poważni i mówią, że będą kontynuować, dopóki prawo nie zostanie zmienione.

Primero, ayer recibí la triste noticia de que Cathy Zabinski, esposa del primo Harry, quien falleció hace unos años, murió después de una larga enfermedad. Desafortunadamente, debido al virus, sería imposible volar allí para su funeral. Deja atrás a sus 2 hijas, Heather y Roxanne, y a sus 3 nietos, Ryan, Logan. y Cooper.

Probablemente esta no sea la última perorata. Si Trump gana las elecciones, ayudará a desahogarse una vez a la semana. Sin embargo, incluso si pierde, todavía tiene 3 meses más como presidente para dañar aún más al país. Si Biden gana y hace algo con lo que no estoy de acuerdo, lo sabrá.

Lo que está sucediendo en Polonia ahora recuerda la época de la guerra de Vietnam. En Estados Unidos, hubo protestas en todo el país. La gente estaba en las calles por todas partes para protestar. Esos días ya terminaron. Ahora protestan en las redes sociales, lo que tiene poco efecto.

Sin embargo, en Polonia, hay protestas masivas contra la nueva ley de aborto en todas partes. El partido gobernante, PiS, no esperaba que fuera así. Se aprovecharon hábilmente del coronavirus. Con las regulaciones que establecen que no más de 10 personas pueden estar en una reunión social, es posible que hayan pensado que limitaría cualquier protesta. Cometieron un gran error. Si miras este video que publiqué a la derecha, verás lo que quiero decir, y este es SOLO el de Poznan. Estos manifestantes son serios y dicen que continuarán hasta que se cambie la ley.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Amidst all this extremely polarized policy and protest re: aborting human fetuses, what has happened to humanity's moral compass? Rhetorical
    Q., here; posed to challenge our thought processes, and hopefully stir our hearts some.

    What has happened to our collective moral compass when an entire body of modern-day
    (excuse me...'post-modern' humanity)casually and selfishly accepts aa the norm in society that it's o.k. to kill (whether through war, with guns and other destructive weaponry, including the abortionist's tools and machinery)? That rejects their own personal, human responsibility (including sexual responsibility and the awareness of what/who their actions produce-- literally!). And their unmistakable, unavoidable outcomes of their biological bodily response in creating the means for human life; and of course, the life itself. Then, helter-skelter feels nothing about murdering it (and making every justification for their lack of responsibility in creating life)?

    I am not speaking from a religious persuasion at all (as, after all, no religion has a patent on acknowleging the "sanctity of life"). ALL life-- from amoebas to humans (and everything in between)IS special...I say, sacred. Unless of course, you're a frozen nihilist or unfeeling sociopath. There ought to be some recognition of this 'sanctity' (again, religious arguments aside--much of which diverts humans from taking responsibility for their own individual CONSCIENCE...
    ("The Latin word...literally "with-knowledge." The sense development is perhaps via "to know along with others" (what is right or wrong) to "to know right or wrong within oneself, know in one's own mind" of their humanity")....(exerpted from Wikipedia sources).

    I wonder what has happened to our species in this age, when we can so casually dismiss life, because "oops, we got carried away", "too bad, we made a mistake", "oops, "unfortunately, we were "too young at the time"... "too drunk", "too drugged", "too turned on", "too over-sexed", "too inconvenienced in life as it is" (poor, stressed out, not the right time for kids...and any other justification we come up with it seems makes it o.k. to go ahead and kill a life on its way to becoming a human being-- not a bean, or a whale or an amoeba, but a human being like the woman and man, boy and girl who conceived this future him or her life/being.

    Why can we fight so ferociously for the woman's/mother's "right to life"-- i.e.her own choice, lifestyle, body...(what have you), then turn around and so callously deny that same "right to life" of the lifeform she helped create (w. her 'baby-daddy' of course?!
    Something to think about...and, I WISH we would (again...religious or political views aside...let's just contemplate the nature of our own humanity here)....something, in my estimation is deeply wrong here....
    Have we collectively become, "Homo horribilis" (lit.L: "Horrible human"), indeed???!
    No wonder our world is so sick on almost every level--society, environment. institutions, leadership, anon....

    I am tired of this polarized argument "for and against life", when this dualism only
    obfuscates the real flesh and blood reality hanging in the balance-- waiting to be born... a human-- no matter, at conception or third term, etc. It's ONLY potential is
    to be a human being, like you or me! I say, grow up humanity, stop being so selfish and irresponsible and murderous, just to justify your actions!

