Saturday, October 24, 2020

Rant #20

So, Maybe you have no interest in the rush to put a new Justice of the Supreme Court in place before the election. A forced decision by the current administration could have far-reaching effects when the majority justices are conservative.

Here is one example of a countries Supreme Court called the Constitutional Tribunal. It has banned almost all abortions. The effect of that is it will mean an almost total ban. It already has one of the most restrictive laws. The majority of the court judges were nominated by one party, PiS.

The PiS(Law and Justice) party tried last year to do it but those were in pre-Covid-19 days and 100,00 people took to the streets, mostly women. Now, with Covid-19 raging, when there is a limitation of only 10 people in a public gathering,  it was easier to pass the law. It will be interesting today and tomorrow to see what happens on the streets.

Now, in the U.S. with almost certain confirmation of a new, conservative Justice by the Republicans, it will be the same situation when Roe vs.Wade goes before the Supreme court of that country.

Więc może nie interesuje cię pośpiech, by przed wyborami postawić nowego sędziego Sądu Najwyższego. Wymuszona decyzja obecnej administracji może mieć daleko idące skutki, gdy większość sędziów będzie konserwatywna.

Oto jeden z przykładów sytuacji, w której Sąd Najwyższy kraju zwany jest Trybunałem Konstytucyjnym. Zakazał prawie wszystkich aborcji. Skutkiem tego będzie prawie całkowity zakaz. Ma już jedno z najbardziej restrykcyjnych przepisów. Większość sędziów sądowych wskazywała jedna partia - PiS.

W zeszłym roku próbowała tego partia PiS, ale to było przed Covid-19 dni i 100 000 osób wyszło na ulice, głównie kobiety. Teraz, gdy Covis-19 szaleje, kiedy na publicznym zgromadzeniu jest ograniczenie tylko do 10 osób, łatwiej było uchwalić prawo. Ciekawie będzie zobaczyć, co dzieje się na ulicach dzisiaj i jutro.

Teraz, w Stanach Zjednoczonych, przy niemal pewnym potwierdzeniu nowego, konserwatywnego wymiaru sprawiedliwości przez Republikanów, będzie tak samo, jak Roe vs. Wade trafi do Sądu Najwyższego tego kraju.

Entonces, tal vez no le interese la prisa por poner en marcha un nuevo juez de la Corte Suprema antes de las elecciones. Una decisión forzada de la actual administración podría tener efectos de largo alcance cuando los jueces mayoritarios son conservadores.

Aquí hay un ejemplo de la Corte Suprema de un país llamado Tribunal Constitucional. Ha prohibido casi todos los abortos. El efecto de eso es que significará una prohibición casi total. Ya tiene una de las leyes más restrictivas. La mayoría de los jueces de los tribunales fueron nombrados por una parte, PiS.

El partido PiS (Ley y Justicia) lo intentó el año pasado pero fueron en días anteriores al Covid-19 y 100.000 personas salieron a las calles, en su mayoría mujeres. Ahora, con Covis-19 enfurecido, cuando hay una limitación de solo 10 personas en una reunión pública, era más fácil aprobar la ley. Será interesante hoy y mañana ver qué pasa en las calles.

Ahora, en Estados Unidos, con la confirmación casi segura de una nueva Justicia conservadora por parte de los republicanos, será la misma situación cuando Roe vs. Wade se presente ante la Corte Suprema de ese país.


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Yes, "it is getting worse", David (by the way, I appreciated the introduction of captions as re: that beautiful Japanese scene the other day, but cannot say the same
    for your caption on this-- why add to the hysterics???)

    By that I mean the world hysteria over Covid-19:

    This article in The Spectator pretty much sums up this very real hysteria:

    Yet another doctor (Paul M. Kempen)weighs in...sanely!

    But more and increasing hysteria still perpetuates-- this excerpt from the Daily Mail,
    reveals a dangerous growth in this hysteria that is circumventing law-- w. disregard for the further spreading of general collective anxiety in the populace as pirate companies like the one referred to here (and there are more of them from the top "vaccine boosters" all the way along the profit chain, to these street spies!), profiteering off of this hysteria being spread (and and the actual deaths this hysteria ITSELF, is and will cause...beyond anything to do w. this so-called CV-19:
    Boy, if the Nazi Party had cameras, you bet they woulda been using them with utter glee!

    "According to the Daily Mail, more than 350 traffic cameras have been repurposed - without consultation - to check whether pedestrians are social distancing in public places.

    The paper says "large swathes of the country" are being monitored as part of a project backed by the Department for Transport.

    Privacy campaigners accuse the company behind the technology - Vivacity Labs - of a "shocking disregard for transparency".

    But the firm says it is solely measuring overall compliance with social distancing because the cameras cannot distinguish between household groups and strangers."

    It's best to stay well, safe and sane-- and avoid participating in the real dis-ease of hysteria!


  2. Hello Stephanie, glad you like the picture description, except for my bottom comment.

    The Spectator has been described by Australian broadcaster ABC News as a "far-right publication"

    The Daily Mail has been noted for its unreliability and widely criticized for its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research, and for instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement. The Daily Mail has won a number of awards, including receiving the National Newspaper of the Year award from The Press Awards eight times since 1995, winning again in 2019.

    As to Dr, Kemper, he also said, "Finally, we must recognize a number of realities: This whole episode of media hysteria served to mitigate the PEAK of COVID-19 hospitalizations (to insure sufficient care for ALL) as well as to teach the needed personal measures to create temporary containment….and the peak has PASSED and everyone has been provided education".

    If the peak has passed, why is the number of new cases and deaths rising? Oue daughterwas just sent to work from home for 2 weeks because her co-worker has tested positive. Maybe a little "hysteria" is warranted.
